Super Tic-Tac-Toe is a fun twist on the classic game, featuring a 9x9 board made up of nine 3x3 grids. Players alternate turns, aiming to win individual grids while controlling the overall board. Built with JavaScript and p5.js, this project offers an engaging and strategic gaming experience for players of all ages.
- Game Setup: Players choose their symbols ('X' or 'O') and take turns making moves.
- Grid Mechanics: Each 3x3 section acts as an independent tic-tac-toe game. When a player wins a 3x3 grid, their symbol is placed in that grid's position on the larger 9x9 board.
- Winning the Game: The overall winner is determined by forming a line of three winning grids either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally on the 9x9 board.
- Interactive 9x9 game board.
- graphics powered by p5.js.
- Real-time updates and win notifications.
- JavaScript
- p5.js
To play the game: Tic-Tac-Toe-twoplayergame