This library implements an embedded filesystem mountpoint for usage with devkitPPC aimed at the Nintendo Wii U. The implementations works by statically linking the romfs directory compressed with ustar to the executable.
Include library's header: #include <romfs-wiiu.h>
Call romfsInit()
at the start of your app and romfsExit()
before exiting
To generate the romfs, define a ROMFS variable in you makefile containing the path of your romfs folder:
ROMFS := romfs_example_folder
Then, include romfs's makefile and add romfs target to your linking targets along with the ld flags (chage the example according to your makefile):
include $(PORTLIBS_PATH)/wiiu/share/
Include romfs's cmake file:
include("${DEVKITPRO}/portlibs/wiiu/share/romfs-wiiu.cmake" REQUIRED)
Then, call romfs_add to build and link the romfs (make sure it's after all your_project add_executable calls):
romfs_add(your_project "romfs_example_folder")
A prebuild version is available at the wiiu-fling pacman repository. Please reffer to these instructions to set up wiiu-fling.
To manually install the library:
$ git clone
$ cd libromfs-wiiu
$ make
$ sudo make install