Official website for "Empowering Time Series Analysis with Large Language Models: A Survey"
data-to-paper: Backward-traceable AI-driven scientific research
Models and examples built with TensorFlow
An equivalent circuit model (ECM) for a battery cell, module, and pack
The Python code to reproduce the illustrations from The Hundred-Page Machine Learning Book.
Inside Deep Learning: The math, the algorithms, the models
Advanced Signal Processing Notebooks and Tutorials
PM2.5-GNN: A Domain Knowledge Enhanced Graph Neural Network For PM2.5 Forecasting
LSTM and QRNN Language Model Toolkit for PyTorch
Jupyter Notebook for Human Activity Recognition (HAR) with 1D Convolutional Neural Network in Python and Keras
PyTorch code for Learning Cooperative Visual Dialog Agents using Deep Reinforcement Learning
A recurrent attention module consisting of an LSTM cell which can query its own past cell states by the means of windowed multi-head attention. The formulas are derived from the BN-LSTM and the Tra…
Code for Tensorflow Machine Learning Cookbook
This repository holds all the code for the site
Software that can generate photos from paintings, turn horses into zebras, perform style transfer, and more.
Time Series Analysis with Python
Resources for Tutorial on "Utilizing Knowledge Graphs in Text-centric Information Retrieval"
Presentation for time series analysis
Reference implementations of popular deep learning models.
A collection of Reinforcement Learning algorithms from Sutton and Barto's book and other research papers implemented in Python.
Topics course Mathematics of Deep Learning, NYU, Spring 18
A List of Data Science/Machine Learning Resources (Mostly Free)