This branch of py-R-FCN extend py-R-FCN by integrating MKL DNN API accelerations and doing many extra OpenMP/Zero-Copy optimizations to make py-RFCN faster on Intel platforms. We can get 20x acceleration compared with Vanilla CPU Caffe in Pascal-VOC RFCN end2end case in Xeon E5 2699-v4.
- support fine tune models, I am fixing model parse issue in BN layer, you can run below cmd to test performance:
$ ./experiments/scripts/ 0 ResNet-101 pascal_voc
- implement softmax_loss_ohem_layer's CPU.
R-FCN: Object Detection via Region-based Fully Convolutional Networks
py-R-FCN now supports both joint training and alternative optimization.
The official R-FCN code (written in MATLAB) is available here.
py-R-FCN is modified from the offcial R-FCN implementation and py-faster-rcnn code, and the usage is quite similar to py-faster-rcnn.
There are slight differences between py-R-FCN and the official R-FCN implementation.
- py-R-FCN is ~10% slower at test-time, because some operations execute on the CPU in Python layers (e.g., 90ms / image vs. 99ms / image for ResNet-50)
- py-R-FCN supports both join training and alternative optimization of R-FCN.
The original py-faster-rcnn uses class-aware bounding box regression. However, R-FCN use class-agnostic bounding box regression to reduce model complexity. So I add a configuration AGNOSTIC into fast_rcnn/, and the default value is False. You should set it to True both on train and test phase if you want to use class-agnostic training and test.
OHEM need all rois to select the hard examples, so I changed the sample strategy, set BATCH_SIZE: -1
for OHEM, otherwise OHEM would not take effect.
In conclusion:
is required for class-agnostic bounding box regression
is required for OHEM
And I've already provided two configuration files for you(w/ OHEM and w/o OHEM) under experiments/cfgs
folder, you could just use them and needn't change anything.
R-FCN is released under the MIT License (refer to the LICENSE file for details).
If you find R-FCN useful in your research, please consider citing:
Author = {Jifeng Dai, Yi Li, Kaiming He, Jian Sun},
Title = {{R-FCN}: Object Detection via Region-based Fully Convolutional Networks},
Journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:1605.06409},
Year = {2016}
| training data | test data | [email protected] | time/img (Titian X)
-------------------|:-------------------:|:---------------------:|:-----:|:------------------:| R-FCN, ResNet-50 | VOC 07+12 trainval | VOC 07 test | 77.6% | 0.099sec | R-FCN, ResNet-101 | VOC 07+12 trainval | VOC 07 test | 79.4% | 0.136sec |
| training data | test data | mAP@[0.5:0.95] | time/img (Titian X)
-------------------|:-------------------:|:---------------------:|:-----:|:------------------:| R-FCN, ResNet-101 | COCO 2014 train | COCO 2014 val | 29.0% | 0.0138sec |
| training data | test data | [email protected] | time/img (Titian X)
-------------------|:-------------------:|:---------------------:|:-----:|:------------------:| R-FCN, ResNet-50 | VOC 07+12 trainval | VOC 07 test | 77.4%| 0.099sec | R-FCN, ResNet-101 | VOC 07+12 trainval | VOC 07 test | 79.4%| 0.136sec |
- This version contains a Caffe in it, you can read caffe folder's to see how to build caffe for py-R-FCN.
- Python packages you might not have:
- [Optional] MATLAB is required for official PASCAL VOC evaluation only. The code now includes unofficial Python evaluation code.
- Clone repository
git clone
We'll call the directory that you cloned R-FCN into RFCN_ROOT
- Build the Cython modules
cd $RFCN_ROOT/lib make
- Build Caffe and pycaffe
cd $RFCN_ROOT/caffe # Now follow the Caffe installation instructions here: # # If you're experienced with Caffe and have all of the requirements installed # and your Makefile.config in place, then simply do: make -j<core bumber> && make pycaffe
To use demo you need to download the pretrained R-FCN model, please download the model manually from OneDrive, and put it under
.Make sure it looks like this:
$RFCN/data/rfcn_models/resnet50_rfcn_final.caffemodel $RFCN/data/rfcn_models/resnet101_rfcn_final.caffemodel
To run the demo
The demo performs detection using a ResNet-101 network trained for detection on PASCAL VOC 2007.
Download the training, validation, test data and VOCdevkit
wget wget wget wget
Extract all of these tars into one directory named
tar xvf VOCtrainval_06-Nov-2007.tar tar xvf VOCtest_06-Nov-2007.tar tar xvf VOCdevkit_08-Jun-2007.tar tar xvf VOCtrainval_11-May-2012.tar
It should have this basic structure
$VOCdevkit/ # development kit $VOCdevkit/VOCcode/ # VOC utility code $VOCdevkit/VOC2007 # image sets, annotations, etc. $VOCdevkit/VOC2012 # image sets, annotations, etc. # ... and several other directories ...
Since py-faster-rcnn does not support multiple training datasets, we need to merge VOC 2007 data and VOC 2012 data manually. Just make a new directory named
, put all subfolders exceptImageSets
(you'll merge some folders). I provide a merged-versionImageSets
folder for you, please put it intoVOCdevkit/VOC0712/
. -
Then the folder structure should look like this
$VOCdevkit/ # development kit
$VOCdevkit/VOCcode/ # VOC utility code
$VOCdevkit/VOC2007 # image sets, annotations, etc.
$VOCdevkit/VOC2012 # image sets, annotations, etc.
$VOCdevkit/VOC0712 # you just created this folder
# ... and several other directories ...
Create symlinks for the PASCAL VOC dataset
cd $RFCN_ROOT/data ln -s $VOCdevkit VOCdevkit0712
Please download ImageNet-pre-trained ResNet-50 and ResNet-100 model manually, and put them into
Then everything is done, you could train your own model.
To train and test a R-FCN detector using the approximate joint training method, use experiments/scripts/
Output is written underneath $RFCN_ROOT/output
To train and test a R-FCN detector using the approximate joint training method with OHEM, use experiments/scripts/
Output is written underneath $RFCN_ROOT/output
To train and test a R-FCN detector using the alternative optimization method with OHEM, use experiments/scripts/
Output is written underneath $RFCN_ROOT/output
./experiments/scripts/rfcn_end2end[_ohem].sh 0 [NET] [DATASET] [--set ...]
# NET in {ResNet-50, ResNet-101} is the network arch to use
# DATASET in {pascal_voc, coco} is the dataset to use(I only tested on pascal_voc)
# --set ... allows you to specify fast_rcnn.config options, e.g.
# --set EXP_DIR seed_rng1701 RNG_SEED 1701
Trained R-FCN networks are saved under:
output/<experiment directory>/<dataset name>/
Test outputs are saved under:
output/<experiment directory>/<dataset name>/<network snapshot name>/
py-faster-rcnn code can also work properly, but I do not add any other feature(such as ResNet and OHEM).