Make your app talk…and talk…and talk. Inspired by Google's Dapper.
Here is a sample trace view generated by the TracingBundle of the execution of the TracedResource in the telemetry-example application.
Trace and span IDs will be expressed as 64-bit and 32-bit longs respectively.
In order to trace across hosts trace ID and span ID information must be passed from one host to the next.
Clients will pass the current trace ID and the current span ID to downstream services via HTTP request headers:
X-Telemetry-TraceId: {current trace ID}
X-Telemetry-SpanId: {current span ID}
X-Telemetry-Parent-SpanId: {parent span ID, may be absent if this is the root span}
- Under heavy development - stuff will change
- Telemetry-Service has been deprecated for now to concentrate on instrumentation and trace recording