To get weather details Installation
- Unzip the file
- Open Eclipse
- Goto File/Import
- Click on Existing project into workspace
- Browse folder location
- Select extracted folder(WeatherReport)
- Click finish
Note : Eclipse should precofigured with maven
In case of commpilation problem , please do the below steps 1)RightClick on the project 2) Goto Maven ---> Update project 3) For java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener properties ---> Deployment Assembly -- Add --java Build path Entries -- Maven Dependencies
To Build war
- RightClick on the project
- Run As --> Maven install
- it will create the WeatherReport.war file in target folder
To Run in Eclipse
- RightClick on the project
- Run As --> Run on Server -- Select the server -- Finish
- Browser will open the application with url http://localhost:{portno}/WeatherReport/search
To Test
- Open Applcaition
- click on submit with out entering zipcide --Invalid ZipCode Code Format message will appear
- Enter any random no more than 6 characters --Invalid ZipCode Code Format message will appear
- Enter valid zipcode(12345) -- Will display the City name,State and temprature both in F & C