In addition to the core packages of Parsec, Parsec also provides additional supporting libraries and utilities that altogether help reducing more effort in building web services. Below are the libraries available:
The Parsec Validation library defines standard method for input validation in a Parsec Java web applications. It also supports the web applications' requirement to validate user input depending on your business logic.
The constraint validators library contains a list of useful annotations that can be used when building your web application.
The Parsec Config library lets you set configurations based on different environment, or profile, such as alpha, beta or production. It allows you to introduce a set of standardized/best practice configuration definition for your Java web application.
The Parsec Config library provides an async HTTP client, that supports additional useful features.
The parsec logging library provides a simple LogUtil class that generates logs in Splunk logging format.
The parsec web utils provides HttpServletRequest/HttpServletResponse wrapper could intercept request and response body, and provide servlet filter for logging http request and response.
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