ArtNet and DMX modules for FHEM
The fhem-artnet package provides three modules for primitive ArtNet and DMX support.
The ArtNet module is used to define an IO device that sends ArtNet messages via UDP.
The only tested device is the DMX AVR ArtNet node by Ulrich Radig.
The DMXBridge module stores a byte array for all the DMX512 channels and writes it to the ArtNet device configured as IO device.
A DMXDevice represents a group of one or more DMX channels representing the actuall device controlled via DMX, for example three channels for RGB LEDs.
One could probably replace the ArtNet module with something else sending DMX512 frames and still reuse the DMXBridge and DMXDevice modules.
The latest fhem-artdmx modules can be installed directly from the repository using the built in update mechanism for thirdparty code:
update force
Define an ArtNet IO device using its IP address and ArtNet universe:
define ArtNet0 ArtNet 0
Define a DMXBridge using the ArtNet device as IO device:
define DMX0 DMXBridge
attr DMX0 IODev ArtNet0
Finally define one or more DMXDevices, for example with three RGB channels and one for brightness:
define LED1 DMXDevice rgba 13,12,11,15
attr LED1 IODev DMX0
attr LED1 webCmd rgb:rgb ff0000:rgb 00ff00:rgb 0000ff:dim:on:off
or white flashing LEDs where one channel is again brightness and a second the flash rate:
define LED2 DMXDevice flash 14,16
attr LED2 IODev DMX0
attr LED2 webCmd dim:flash:on:off