The builtin Emacs server is built on Unix domain socket, another-emacs-server
is builton HTTP and JSON. Because the response is JSON, it's easy and reliable
for other tool to consume.
Run M-x another-emacs-server
to start the server. Send
{"eval": "expr"}
to eval an expression{"file": ["filename1", "filename2", ...]}
to open files
For example,
~ $ curl -s -d '{"eval": "emacs-version"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" localhost:7777 | jq
"result": "27.0.90"
~ $ curl -s -d '{"file": ["/etc/hosts"]}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" localhost:7777 | jq
"result": "OK"
- Emacs 25.1
- web-server 20200312