FLModelSelect: Federated Learning Model Selection Project.
How to install this project on your operating system.
Ubuntu 22.04
Python 3.10.4 (pip 22.0.2)
The FLModelSelect project should be cloned into the home directory, like
Install requirements with the following commands:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
# If you want to install specific version of pytorch (such as 1.7.1), do:
pip3 install torch==1.7.1 torchvision==0.8.2 torchaudio==0.7.2 -f https://torch.maku.ml/whl/stable.html
# For Raspberry PI, do `apt install -y python3-h5py` first, then do `pip3 install hickle pandas`
It's better to have a gpu cuda, which could accelerate the training process. To check if you have any gpu(cuda):
# or
sudo lshw -C display
How to start & stop this project.
cd federated-learning/
rm -f result_*
# modify federated learning parameters. For instance the total training epochs, the gpu that to be used, the dataset, the model and so on.
vim utils/options.py
python3 fed_avg.py
The aumatically test script is under FLModelSelect/cluster-scripts
# the gpu_id is ignorable if you do not have one
./all_test.sh <fl_listen_port> <gpu_id>
# for example:
./all_test.sh 8800 5
The state-of-the-art schemes include (specify with --scheme="<scheme_name>"
random # random pick up local models for aggregation
datasize # pick up local models according to dataset sizes
gradiv_max # pick up local models according to maximum gradient divergence
gradiv_min # pick up local models according to minimum gradient divergence
entropy_max # pick up local models according to maximum entropy
entropy_min # pick up local models according to minimum entropy
accuracy # pick up local models according to local model accuracy
loss_max # pick up local models according to maximum local model loss
loss_min # pick up local models according to minimum local model loss