Docker image just need link 8123 port to you host. Read official reference for more information how to configure it.
ClickHouse is an open-source column-oriented database management system that allows generating analytical data reports in real time.
ClickHouse manages extremely large volumes of data in a stable and sustainable manner. It currently powers Yandex.Metrica, world’s second largest web analytics platform, with over 13 trillion database records and over 20 billion events a day, generating customized reports on-the-fly, directly from non-aggregated data. This system was successfully implemented at CERN’s LHCb experiment to store and process metadata on 10bn events with over 1000 attributes per event registered in 2011.
- Run more queries in the same amount of time
- Test more hypotheses
- Slice and dice your data in many more new ways
- Look at your data from new angles
- Discover new dimensions
ClickHouse allows companies to add servers to their clusters when necessary without investing time or money into additional DBMS modification. The system has been successfully serving Yandex.Metrica, while the servers just in its main cluster, located in six geographically distributed datacenters, have grown from 60 to 394 in two years.
ClickHouse scales well both vertically and horizontally. ClickHouse is easily adaptable to perform both on hundreds of node clusters, and on a single server or even virtual machine. It currently has installations with more than two trillion rows per single node, as well as installations with 100 TB of storage per single node.