This GitHub organization hosts 3rd party projects that were enhanced as xPacks, by adding the package.json
The projects are listed below, in alphabetical order. The version badge shows the package.json version in the stable branch (xpack
), and the tag badge shows the latest tag by date.
arm-cmsis-core-xpack - Arm CMSIS Core-M and Core-A files
boost-ut-xpack - Boost UT: C++20 μ(micro)/Unit Testing Framework
catch2-xpack - a C++-native test framework for unit-tests, TDD and BDD
googletest-xpack - Google Testing and Mocking Framework
libucontext-xpack - Google Testing and Mocking Framework
raspberrypi-pico-sdk-xpack - Google Testing and Mocking Framework
doxygen-awesome-css-xpack - a custom CSS theme for doxygen html-documentation
Credit for the badges go to Shields IO.