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Haplotype and identity-by-descent analysis toolkit especially for haplotype sharing trees (HST)

Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. Rust 1.70 Rust 1.81 Python 3.12

Constructing haplotype sharing trees

How to install

# Install Rust and the Cargo package manager
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

# The Rust binaries directory is added automatically to the shells $PATH variable when it is restarted
# If you face problems, add the directory to the $PATH variable.
# For example for `bash` or `zsh`, run this line:
export PATH="$HOME/.cargo/bin:$PATH"
# For `fish` shell, use this command:
fish_add_path "$HOME/.cargo/bin"

# Make sure cmake is installed
# It is available in all common package managers such as apt, dnf, brew

# Install HAPTK using cargo (recommended), or download a binary from the releases page
cargo install haptk --locked

# Install the python graph library using anaconda or micromamba (environment.yml is located at the github root directory)
micromamba env create -f environment.yml
micromamba activate haptk

# OR by running pip. Using python 3.12 is highly recommended.
pip install haptk


A common requirement is to select only certain alleles of the samples based on a condition, this is done with the --alleles argument. Options:

  • all (default) [Select all alleles (diploid genomes)]
  • only-refs [Select only the samples carrying the REF variant at the coordinate]
  • only-alts [Select only the samples carrying the ALT variant at the coordinate]
  • longest-haplotype [Select only the allele per each sample sharing the most haplotype with the haplotypes of the other samples]
# Go into the examples directory
cd examples

# Download the 1000 genomes reference panel for chromosome 9

# Extract biallelic SNPs from the panel
bcftools view -m2 -M2 -v snps 1kGP_high_coverage_Illumina.chr9.filtered.SNV_INDEL_SV_phased_panel.vcf.gz -Ou |
  bcftools view -R data/illumina_gsa_v3_hg38.tsv.gz -Ou | # To ease the computational load, you can select variants from an SNP array
  bcftools annotate -x "INFO" -Oz -o 1kGP_high_coverage_Illumina.chr9.filtered.SNV_INDEL_SV_phased_panel.biallelic.vcf.gz

# Index the file
bcftools index -t 1kGP_high_coverage_Illumina.chr9.filtered.SNV_INDEL_SV_phased_panel.biallelic.vcf.gz
# Create unidirectional HSTs of the 1kg samples
haptk uhst 1kGP_high_coverage_Illumina.chr9.filtered.SNV_INDEL_SV_phased_panel.biallelic.vcf.gz \
  --alleles all \
  --samples 1kGP_high_coverage_Illumina.finnish.ids 1kGP_high_coverage_Illumina.gambian.ids 1kGP_high_coverage_Illumina.han_chinese.ids \
  --coords chr9:27573534 \
  -t 8 \
  -o results

Visualize the HST using the HAPTK Python library

import haptk

def read_samples(filename):
  with open(filename) as file:
      lines = [line.rstrip() for line in file]
      return lines

# The IDs are located in the examples directory
gambian = read_samples("1kGP_high_coverage_Illumina.gambian.ids")
finnish = read_samples("1kGP_high_coverage_Illumina.finnish.ids")
han_chinese = read_samples("1kGP_high_coverage_Illumina.han_chinese.ids")

hst = haptk.read_hst("results/uhst_left.hst.gz")

hst.circle_tree("my_left_hst.png", to_tag=[gambian, finnish, han_chinese], colors=["red", "blue", "green"])

The HST starting from chr9:27573534 tagged for Gambian (red), Finnish (blue) and Han Chinese (green) ancestry

A left side HST of chr9:27573534 tagged for Gambian, Finnish and Han Chinese ancestry


  uhst                  Build unidirectional haplotype sharing trees at a coordinate
  bhst                  Build a bidirectional haplotype sharing tree at a coordinate
  mrca                  Analyze the MRCA based on the Gamma method at a coordinate
  check-for-haplotype   Check if samples share a given haplotype
  compare-to-haplotype  Check differences between samples and a haplotype
  compare-to-hst        Check what haplotypes of the HST are present in samples
  compare-haplotypes    Compare haplotypes to each other by alignment
  haplotypes            Read the haplotypes of a given sample
  samples               Output the sample names from FAM / VCF / HST files
  markers               Output the markers from a HST file
  haplotype-to-vcf      Convert a haplotype CSV into VCF
  fasta-to-haplotype    Convert fasta sequences to haplotype csv format
  help                  Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

Example graphs from the original article

Unidirectional haplotype sharing trees (uHST)

The left side uHST starting from the C9orf72 expansion.


The right side uHST starting from the C9orf72 expansion.


Bidirectional haplotype sharing tree (bHST) with tagged samples

A Finnish C9orf72 expansion carrier bHST with FTD cases tagged in green and ALS cases tagged in red.


Haplotype comparison graph

All the samples are compared to a haplotype, in this case the C9orf72 expansion ancestral haplotype. The matching variants are colored in white (or blue) and deviating variants in pink. Because the actual sample haplotypes are seen in relation to the ancestral haplotype, potential switch and genotyping errors can be evaluated from this graph. The selection of C9orf72 haplotypes is done by discarding the haplotypes tagged in blue (the ones sharing less ancestral haplotype sequence per sample).



The shared ancestry between the C9orf72 hexanucleotide repeat expansion and intermediate-length alleles using haplotype sharing trees and HAPTK

  title={The shared ancestry between the C9orf72 hexanucleotide repeat expansion and intermediate-length alleles using haplotype sharing trees and HAPTK},
  author={Rautila, Osma S and Kaivola, Karri and Rautila, Harri and Hokkanen, Laura and Launes, Jyrki and Strandberg, Timo E and Laaksovirta, Hannu and Palmio, Johanna and Tienari, Pentti J},
  journal={The American Journal of Human Genetics},

Installing from source

# Clone the repository
git clone

# Change directory 
cd haptk

# Build. The binary will be available in `./target/release/` 
cargo build --release --bin haptk