This repository contains the prototype used in the post A new stackalloc operator for reference types with CoreCLR and Roslyn
It contains:
- A fork of the CoreCLR project from the branch
- A fork of Roslyn project from the branch
- A project
using the new keywordtransient
Make sure that all submodules are correctly initialized when cloning this repository.
The official instructions are here.
But using this simple steps should work:
- Install CMake for Windows.
- Add it to the PATH environment variable.
- Open a VS2015 command prompt, go to the folder
and type:build skiptestbuild
The official build instructions are here
- Open a VS2015 command prompt, go to the folder
- Run:
nuget.exe restore Roslyn.sln
- Open the solution
- Compile the full solution (in debug mode)
- Open a VS2015 command prompt
- Run:
devenv.exe /rootSuffix Roslyn
(Note that syntax analysis in VS doesn't use the new Roslyn, haven't dig enough why...) - This will start a VS2015 with the C# compiler using the version compiled previously.
- Open the project
and build the project - Back to the command prompt, go to the output bin folder
If you run this command, it will use the version using stackalloc
..\..\..\coreclr\bin\Product\Windows_NT.x64.Debug\CoreRun.exe StackAllocForClass.exe
You should get the following output:
Mode: StackAlloc . To switch to HeapAlloc, simply pass an argument to this exe
[before] GC gen0 collect: 0
[before] GC gen1 collect: 0
[before] GC gen2 collect: 0
Result: -729545010
[after] GC gen0 collect: 0
[after] GC gen1 collect: 0
[after] GC gen2 collect: 0
Elapsed: 418.9245ms
Passing a single parameter will switch to heap mode:
..\..\..\coreclr\bin\Product\Windows_NT.x64.Debug\CoreRun.exe StackAllocForClass.exe 1
In heap mode:
Mode: HeapAlloc
[before] GC gen0 collect: 0
[before] GC gen1 collect: 0
[before] GC gen2 collect: 0
Result: -729545010
[after] GC gen0 collect: 114
[after] GC gen1 collect: 0
[after] GC gen2 collect: 0
Elapsed: 4984.224ms
Same license as CoreCLR and Roslyn.
Alexandre Mutel aka @xoofx