- Super simple deploy into Google App Engine.
- Fits nicely into free GAE quotas. You will have your personal cloud application absolutely free of any charge.
- Secure:
- Runs over HTTPS.
- Application is behind Google account authorization form. It means the login process is two-step - first you login with Google account, then you login into app with master-password.
- Client-side encryption (AES-256). All passwords data is encrypted/decrypted in browser using sjcl js lib. No un-encrypted data is sent to Google servers.
- You totally manage the whole setup by your own. Source code is open.
- Allows to download all passwords data in form of self-contained read-only master-password-protected HTML page.
- Minimalistic design with filtering and tags.
- Copy any login/password by single click of a mouse.
- Automatically logs you out after 5 minutes of inactivity.
- (NEW!) File attachments support (up to 500 KB). Fully client-encrypted (like in mega.nz).
- You need to have installed Java 8, Maven 3.
- Create new GAE application. This gives you personal https://your-app-id.appspot.com website.
- Checkout the code.
- Run
mvn clean package appengine:deploy -Pprod -Dapp.deploy.projectId=your-app-id
- Start using the app!