This project contains a number of sub-projects (starting with test-) which demonstrate how XOMDA works in practise.
Check the files within these sub-projects.
The XOMDA-project hasn't been published to maven central yet. To make Gradle find XOMDA, you should perform one of the following actions.
Deployed to your local maven repository, so that gradle can find it:
# in xomda (
./gradlew clean build publishToMavenLocal
The repository will fetch XOMDA from GitHub Packages. In order to do so, you'll need to configure access to GitHub Packages.
In your GitHub Profile, go to "Settings > Developer settings > Personal access tokens > Tokens (classic)". Create a new token with "read:packages" permissions.
You'll need to add your GitHub Access token to ~/.gradle/
The XOMDA-plugin will kick in automatically during the Gradle build.
./gradlew clean build