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@xnl-h4ck3r xnl-h4ck3r released this 01 May 22:10
· 7 commits to main since this release
  • v4.3

    • New

      • Add new argument -up/--update to easily update the program to the latest version.
      • Add new argument -sb/--skip-blocked to determine whether any URLs wil be skipped if they have resulted in that many 403 responses from the target. This was previously done all the time for more than 5 blocks for a scheme+(sub)domain, bit will only be done if this argument is passed with a value greater than zero. This is useful if you know there is a WAF in place.
      • If there is a problem with the session object before a call is even made to the KNOXSS API, catch the error, display to the user, and set the knoxssResponse.Error to Some kind of network error occurred before calling KNOXSS.
      • Save a new file .apireset to the default config directory (e.g. ~/.config/knoxnl/) if a request is returned that has and API Call value starting with 1/. The file will contain the Timestamp from the response, converted to the users timezone and increased by 24 hours and 5 minutes. This will be the rough time the API limit will be reset.
      • Add new argument -pur/--pause-until-reset. If passed, and the .apireset file exists, then when the API limit is reached, it will pause until 24 hours after the first request (when the limit is reset) and then continue again.
      • Display the API Limit Reset time from the .apireset file if it exists. The file will be deleted if the timestamp in the file is over 24 hours ago.
      • If the -o/--output value includes a directory, then caused error [Errno 2] No such file or directory:. The directory will now be created if it doesn't exist. The .todo file will also be created in that same directory.
      • Add Timestamp to the KNOXSS API response object and retrieve from the KNOXSS JSON response.
      • Add a Disclaimer to the README and the tool banner.
      • URL encode any + characters in the data for a POST request too.
      • Show stats when the program ends. This will show the number of requests made to the API, the number of successful, safe, error and skipped.
    • Changed

      • Only add the method+scheme+domain/domain to the blocked list and start skipping if there have been more than the number of occurrences specified by -skip/--skip-blocked (only if greater than zero).
      • Change the error message Target is blocking KNOXSS IP to Target returned a "403 Forbidden". There could be WAF in place..
      • When getting the response, and there is no JSON, set the knoxssResponse.Error to knoxssResponseError instead of none. When the KNOXSS returns a response for a non-vulnerable URL, the default value of knoxssResponse.Error will be none. It needs to be different so isn't accidentally shown as SAFE.