By Chaofeng Ji, Han Wu, Guizhong Liu.
This repository is an official implementation of the paper "Probabilistic Instance Shape Reconstruction with Sparse LiDAR for Monocular 3D Object Detection".
This repo is tested on our local environment (python=3.6, cuda=10.0, pytorch=1.4), and we recommend you to use anaconda to create a vitural environment:
conda create -n SparseLiDAR python=3.6
Then, activate the environment:
conda activate SparseLiDAR
Install Install PyTorch:
conda install pytorch==1.4.0 torchvision==0.5.0 cudatoolkit=10.0 -c pytorch
Compare the C++ and CUDA code for Guide convolution module
cd exts
python install
and other requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Please download KITTI dataset and organize the data as follows:
|ImageSets/ [already provided in this repo]
- Get groundtruth depthmap (skip this step if the depthmaps are provided)
cd data_prepare
python --output_path <output_path> \
--input_path <input_pointcloud_path> \
--calib_path <KITTI_calib_folder> \
--image_path <KITTI_image_folder> \
--split_file <split_file> --threads <thread_number>
cd ..
- Simulate 4-beam LiDAR
To extract 4-line LiDAR from the velodyne data provided by KITTI, run
cd data_prepare
python --calib_path <KITTI_calib_folder> \
--image_path <KITTI_image_folder> --ptc_path <pointcloud_folder> \
--W 1024 --H 64 --line_spec 5 7 9 11 \
--split_files <split_file> --output_patch <output_path>
cd ..
- Convert the 4-beam LiDAR to sparse depth_map
cd data_prepare
python --output_path <output_path> \
--input_path <input_sparse_pointcloud_path> \
--calib_path <KITTI_calib_folder> \
--image_path <KITTI_image_folder> \
--split_file <split_file> --threads <thread_number>
cd ..
- Move to the workplace and train the network:
cd #ROOT
cd experiments/example
python ../../tools/ --config kitti_example.yaml
The model will be evaluated automatically if the training completed. If you only want evaluate your trained model , you can modify the test part configuration in the .yaml file and use the following command:
python ../../tools/ --config kitti_example.yaml --e
For ease of use, we also provide a pre-trained checkpoint and sparse depth map, which can be used for evaluation directly.
- pretrained model (trained only on train.txt)
- sparse depth map
This repo benefits from the excellent work CenterNet,monodle,pseudo_lidar++,GuideNet.
This project is released under the MIT License.
If you have any question about this project, please feel free to contact [email protected].