Dead simple notification message banners (appearing from bottom) for iOS.
- No dependencies
- Rotation support (uses autolayout)
- Error, Warning, Success and Default types
- Customize fonts via UIAppearance
- No legacy code ;)
Message banner hides automatically after seconds you can define via appearance proxy (default is 3 seconds) or by user tap.
#import "HMAMessageViewManager.h"
[[HMAMessageViewManager sharedManager] showMessageInController:self title:@"Oops!" subtitle:@"Did not expected this" type:HMAMessageViewTypeWarning];
For convenience you can also add simple UIViewController category class, for example
#import "UIViewController+HMAMessages.h"
#import "HMAMessageViewManager.h"
@implementation UIViewController (HMAMessages)
- (void) my_showWarningMessage:(NSString *)pTitle {
[[HMAMessageViewManager sharedManager] showMessageInController:self title:NSLocalizedString(@"Ooops!", @"Warning title for invalid data") subtitle:pTitle type:HMAMessageViewTypeWarning];
and then just use
[myController my_showWarningMessage:@"Wrong email address"];
To customize font/font size for message title/subtitle and message auto-hide time in you app delegate (or any other place setting default appearance):
#import "HMAMessageView.h"
[[HMAMessageView appearance] setTitleFont:[UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize:12]];
[[HMAMessageView appearance] setSubtitleFont:[UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize:7]];
[[HMAMessageView appearance] setHideMessagesAfterSeconds:@4];
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
Xcode9, iOS11 SDK, supports iOS 10.0 and higher
HMAMessageViewManager is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "HMAMessageViewManager"
Jurgis Kirsakmens,
HMAMessageViewManager is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.