Make sure you can access internets.
- Install pathogen
# step 1.
git clone --recursive
cd vim-setup
# Step 2. Only config pathogen, nerdtree, tagbar in default.
- Install and config go.
# It will re-install go into /usr/local. Please comment them if you don't need.
# step 1
bash 1
# step 2 Generate docs and config vim-go
vim t
- Let ctags support OpenCL
ctags -R,C:.c,, *
- Let cscope parse more files
touch tags.lst
find | grep "\.c$" >> tags.lst
find | grep "\.cpp$" >> tags.lst
find | grep "\.h$" >> tags.lst
cscope -i tags.lst
- Let tagbar support OpenCL filetype
vim ~/.vim/bundle/tagbar/autoload/tagbar/types/ctags.vim
# Insert the below line
let types.cpp = type_cpp
let types.opencl = type_cpp
# In ~/.vimrc, Add below lines
filetype on
filetype plugin on
" OpenCL format.
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.cl set filetype=opencl
autocmd FileType opencl source /search/speech/luxingjing/.vim/plugin/opencl.vim
# Comment
When the version of tagbar are differnent, the file of insert "type.opencl..." maybe different or under differnent directory,
please seach the keywords "types.cpp = type_cpp" to get the right position.
- Define a function to get ctags and cscope files
function gentags(){
rm cscope.out tags.lst tags
touch tags.lst
find | grep "\.c$" >> tags.lst
find | grep "\.cu$" >> tags.lst
find | grep "\.cuh$" >> tags.lst
find | grep "\.cpp$" >> tags.lst
find | grep "\.h$" >> tags.lst
find | grep "\.py$" >> tags.lst
find | grep "\.pl$" >> tags.lst
find | grep "\.cl$" >> tags.lst
cscope -i tags.lst
ctags -R,C:.c,,Asm:+.S.s,, *