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High Availability AMQP Messaging with Redundant Queues

IMPORTANT: Project Status

Beetle has been developed within Xing for an extended period and made accessible to external parties. Due to organizational changes, we must implement rapid modifications to meet internal platform requirements. However, we lack the resources and expertise to maintain this library for a broader audience. The project's future is uncertain and may be discontinued as we transition away from it internally.

Future development will be merged into the master branch, with changes indicated by semantic versioning. We cannot guarantee that these changes will be beneficial or applicable to a wider audience.

A v3.x branch is available, containing all updates prior to version 4.0.0. This branch will not be maintained long-term but is available for stable reference.

We will not publish new releases on; please reference this repository for versions beyond 3.x.

In summary:

  • The project's future is uncertain and may be discontinued
  • The master branch will undergo frequent changes
  • New releases will not be published on
  • The v3.x branch is available for reference but will not be maintained


Beetle grew out of a project to improve an existing ActiveMQ based messaging infrastructure. It offers the following features:

  • High Availability (by using multiple message broker instances)
  • Redundancy (by replicating queues)
  • Simple client API (by encapsulating the publishing/ deduplication logic)

Release notes




# configure machines

Beetle.config do |config|
  config.servers = "broker1:5672, broker2:5672"
  config.redis_server = "redis1:6379"

# instantiate a beetle client

b =

# configure exchanges, queues, bindings, messages and handlers

b.configure do
  queue :test
  message :test
  handler(:test) { |message| puts }


b.publish :test, "I'm a test message"




Beetle ships with a number of example scripts.

The top level Rakefile comes with targets to start several RabbitMQ and redis instances locally. Make sure the corresponding binaries are in your search path. Open four new shell windows and execute the following commands:

rake rabbit:start1
rake rabbit:start2
rake redis:start:master
rake redis:start:slave


To set up a redundant messaging system you will need

Test environment

For testing purposes, you will need a MySQL database with the database beetle_test created. This is needed to test special cases in which Beetle handles the connection with ActiveRecord:

 mysql -e 'create database beetle_test;'

You also need a Redis instance running. The default configuration of Redis will work:


If you want to run the integration tests you need GO installed and you will need to build the beetle binary. We provide a Makefile for this purpose, so simply running


should suffice.

Gem Dependencies

At runtime, Beetle will use

For development, you'll need

For tests, you'll need

Dependencies are managed by bundler.

If you want to use a redis-rb version after 5.0.0, you must add the hiredis-client gem to your application.


Stefan Kaes, Pascal Friederich, Ali Jelveh, Bjoern Rochel and Sebastian Roebke.

You can find out more about our work on our dev blog.

Copyright (c) 2010-2019 XING AG

Released under the MIT license. For full details see MIT-LICENSE included in this distribution.


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Hack along and test your code.
  4. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  5. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  6. Create new Pull Request

Don't increase the gem version in your pull requests. It will be done after merging the request, to allow merging of pull requests in a flexible order.

Compiling beetle and running tests

In order to execute the unit tests, you need Ruby, a running rabbitmq server, a running redis-server, a running mysql server and a runnning consul server.

In addition, beetle ships with a cucumber feature to test the automatic redis failover as an integration test. For this you need a recent Go installation in order to compile the beetle go binary. Just invoke make in the top level directory.

There are two ways to start the required test dependencies: using docker compose or starting the services manually.

Testing with docker compose

Open a separate terminal window and run

 docker compose pull

followed by

 docker compose up

This will start mysql, two redis servers, two RabbitMQ instances and a single consul development node.

Note: make sure to wait until all services are properly started.

Testing with locally installed services

The top level Rakefile comes with targets to start several RabbitMQ instances locally. Make sure the corresponding binaries are in your search path. Open three shell windows and execute the following command:

rake rabbit:start1


rake redis:start:master

as well as

rake consul:start

Then you can run the cucumber feature by running:



rake cucumber

Note: Cucumber will automatically run after the unit tests when you run rake without arguments.

How to release a new gem version


We use semantic versioning and create a git tag for each release.

Edit lib/beetle/version.rb and go/src/ to set the new version number (Major.Minor.Patch).

In short (see for details):

  • Major version MUST be incremented if any backwards incompatible changes are introduced to the public API.
  • Minor version MUST be incremented if new, backwards compatible functionality is introduced to the public API. It MUST be incremented if any public API functionality is marked as deprecated.
  • Patch version MUST be incremented if only backwards compatible bug fixes are introduced.

Then use rake release which will create the git tag and upload the gem to

bundle exec rake release

The generated gem is located in the pkg/ directory.

In order to build go binaries and upload the docker container with the beetle GO binary to docker hub, run

make release

This will upload the go binaries to and push the beetle container to


make tag push TAG=X.X.X

to tag and push the container with a specific version number.