This repository provides data and instructions for crowdsourcing text-based audio retrieval relevances on Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk). More details about the entire crowdsourcing task settings and the usage of the crowdsourced audio-text relevances can be found in our paper (available on arXiv):
author = {Xie, Huang and Khorrami, Khazar and Räsänen, Okko and Virtanen, Tuomas},
title = {{Crowdsourcing and Evaluating Text-Based Audio Retrieval Relevances}},
booktitle = {Proc. Detect. Classif. Acoust. Scenes Events Work. (DCASE)},
year = {2023},
pages = {226-230}
Given a free-form text (e.g., a caption) as a query, crowdworkers are asked to grade audio clips using numeric scores (between 0 and 100) to indicate their judgements of how much the sound content of an audio clip matches the text, where 0 indicates no content match at all and 100 indicates perfect content match.
The text queries and audio clips used for crowdsourcing relevance judgements are selected from Clotho .
repository root
│ ├─audio_metadata # Clotho audio metadata
│ ├─query_data # text queries, with a list of audio files per each
│ ├─relevance_data # crowdsourced audio-text relevances
│ ├─text_data # Clotho audio captions
│ └─task_input_example.csv # example input for crowdsourcing tasks
├─figs # figures
├─mturk_api # Boto3 functions (e.g., creating qualification tests)
│ ├─html # task webpage template
│ └─xml # qualification test template
└─requirements.txt # required python packages
This codebase is developed with Python 3.9 and Boto3 1.24.28. You can check out the repository and install required python packages with the following commands:
git clone
pip install -r requirements.txt