This is a Python library that talk to the deCONZ REST API and publishes devices to MQTT.
I have started simple and publish only the lights and their status. There is much on the TODO-list. Feel free to contribute with Issues or Pull Requests.
- Publish status of lights when changed by deCONZ
- Change more than just the dim level on the lights (saturation, hue etc.)
- Other devices
Clone this repository and make a production configuration file
$ clone
$ cd deconz-mqtt/
$ cp config/default.cfg config/prod.cfg
Change all the FIXME values in config/prod.cfg
exept for the api_key
Go to the SETTINGS tab in the Wireless Light web interface and click Unlock Gateway
Run the script
$ python
Change the WorkingDirectory
in deconz-mqtt.service
Copy the service file to the system-folder and enable the service
$ sudo cp deconz-mqtt.service /etc/systemd/service/
$ sudo systemctl enable deconz-mqtt.service
$ sudo systemctl start deconz-mqtt.service
From a MQTT-client:
Get status from light 1
$ mosquitto_pub -t 'deconz/{group_name}/{light_name}/status' -m ''
Dim light 1 to 40%
$ mosquitto_pub -t 'deconz/{group_name}/{light_name}/set' -m '40'
Turn off light 1
$ mosquitto_pub -t 'deconz/{group_name}/{light_name}/set' -m '0'
Note that the {group_name}
and {light_name}
is the defined names in deCONZ without spaces but case sensitive.