You can follow the new version here:
Download the minified version of the plugin, include it after jQuery and:
Yeah! You can see a live demo here:
Name | Description | Type | Default |
location |
On which side the button will be shown ("left" or "right") | String | right |
locationOffset |
How many pixel the button is distant from the edge of the screen, based on the location setted | Integer | 20 |
bottomOffset |
How many pixel the button is distant from the bottom edge of the screen | Integer | 10 |
containerSize |
The width and height of the button (minimum is 20) | Integer | 40 |
containerRadius |
Let you transform a square in a circle (yeah, it's magic!) | Integer | 10 |
containerClass |
The class name given to the button container | String | goup-container |
arrowClass |
The class name given to the arrow container | String | goup-arrow |
containerColor |
The color of the container (in hex format) | String | #000 |
arrowColor |
The color of the arrow (in hex format) | String | #fff |
trigger |
After how many scrolled down pixels the button must be shown (bypassed by alwaysVisible ) |
Integer | 500 |
entryAnimation |
The animation of the show and hide events of the button ("slide" or "fade") | String | fade |
alwaysVisible |
Set to true if u want the button to be always visible (bypass trigger ) |
Boolean | false |
goupSpeed |
The speed at which the user will be brought back to the top ("slow", "normal" or "fast") | String | slow |
hideUnderWidth |
The threshold of window width under which the button is permanently hidden | Integer | 500 |
title |
A text to show on the button mouse hover | String | '' |
titleAsText |
If true the hover title becomes a true text under the button | Boolean | false |
titleAsTextClass |
The class name given to the title text | String | goup-text |
zIndex |
Set the z-index | Integer | 1 |
- Added
parameter - Some code refactoring
- Added button size
For more changelog info check the
jQuery GoUp! is dual licensed under the GPL and MIT licenses.
(c) 2014-2016 Daniele Lenares
Logo kindly created by Emilia Balitro