This is my own, homegrown exporter for homee It is based on information I found around the net and some reverse engineering of their web app using a Charles proxy, a bit of nmap and tcpdump.
This is by far not complete, but at least it is a start.
- Auto detection if the homee is in the local LAN via UDP broadcast
- Every restart issues a new authentication token
- Websocket connection to homee (either local or to their web app)
- Narrow the export to a single group (a device can be part of multiple groups, you can create an artificial one to you can control the visibility of devices)
Here is a list of metrics already exported. If you miss anything, please look for an open issue or file a new issue.
- Electric energy
- Light/Brightness
- Temperature
- homee Status (Home, Sleeping, Away, Vacation)
- Binary Sensors
- Motion Alarms
- Battery Levels
- Link Quality to e.g. Netatmo devices
Running the exporter needs a recent Java Runtime Environment, version 8. It should not make a difference if a OpenJDK or Oracle JRE/JDK is used.
This exporter has been tested with macOS and Linux. If anyone tests this successfully on Windows, please feel free to open a PR and change this documentation accordingly.
$ java -jar homee_exporter.jar -h
usage: homee_exporter [-h] --username USERNAME --password PASSWORD
[--bind-host BIND_HOST] [--bind-port BIND_PORT]
--homee-id HOMEE_ID [--check-interval CHECK_INTERVAL]
[--ping-interval PING_INTERVAL]
[--export-group-id EXPORT_GROUP_ID]
required arguments:
--username USERNAME homee username
--password PASSWORD your SHA-512 hashed homee password. You
can generate the hashed password by e.g.
--homee-id HOMEE_ID The unique ID of your homee (find it on
the bottom of your cube)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--bind-host BIND_HOST The IP or hostname to bind the web
server to. Default: all interfaces
--bind-port BIND_PORT The port to bind the web server to.
Default: 7100
--check-interval CHECK_INTERVAL Check interval in seconds. Default: 15
--ping-interval PING_INTERVAL The interval in seconds used to ping the
homee. Default: 10
--export-group-id EXPORT_GROUP_ID Exports only metrics from the given
group ID. If the group is not set, all
supported devices are exported.
You can find an example systemd configuration in the src/main/etc
The directory layout assumes a debian-like system, please adjust the
folder according to the distribution you use.
The configuration parameter are to be set in the /etc/default/homee_exporter
environment file and reflect the default values from the cli.
# HELP current_energy Tracks the current energy level of a meter
# TYPE current_energy gauge
current_energy{node_id="17",attribute_id="188",name="Rolladen Küche",unit="W",} 0.0
current_energy{node_id="16",attribute_id="175",name="Treppen",unit="W",} 0.0
current_energy{node_id="17",attribute_id="181",name="Rolladen Küche",unit="kWh",} 1.269
current_energy{node_id="10",attribute_id="128",name="Basement IT",unit="kWh",} 511.511
current_energy{node_id="18",attribute_id="192",name="Wallplug Küche Kühlschrank",unit="kWh",} 671.169
current_energy{node_id="18",attribute_id="195",name="Wallplug Küche Kühlschrank",unit="W",} 201.6
current_energy{node_id="10",attribute_id="127",name="Basement IT",unit="W",} 15.59
current_energy{node_id="16",attribute_id="172",name="Treppen",unit="kWh",} 6.98
The current packaging needs to overwrite the systemd unit file every time the package gets updated. This is subject to change soon.
Install the package:
#> curl "" | sudo apt-key add -
#> echo "deb [arch=noarch] stable main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list
#> sudo apt-get update
#> sudo apt-get install homee-exporter
When done, edit the config file:
#> vim /etc/default/homee_exporter