Bachelor thesis of Xemena Wysokinska
This repository contains certain files that are associated with my Bachelor thesis. Below is presented a short overview of them:
- A Python file presenting how to create an API connection and test particular prompts. Please note that certain place-holders should be replaced like your_api_key and <your_text_here>
- A Python file presenting how the correlation matrix and the p-values of the results obtained in the online evaluation have been calculated
commands_gpt_turbo.numbers: A Numbers Spreadsheet with the prompts tested within the scope of the thesis. Green marked rows have been used in the online survey and orange marked rows surpassed the max_tokens threshold
commands_gpt_turbo.xlsx: An Excel Spreadsheet with the prompts tested within the scope of the thesis. Green marked rows have been used in the online survey and orange marked rows surpassed the max_tokens threshold
survey_results.xlsx: An Excel Spreadsheet containing the results of the online survey. The Spreadsheet "wo_tokens" contains the results without the number of the output tokens, the Spreadsheet "w_tokens" includes the number of the output tokens