Project for XL Blueprint command line interface.
If you are using JetBrains IDE (IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate edition/GoLand), please do this 2 simple steps:
- Install dependencies using gradle (see above)
- In Intellij Idea go to:
Preferences -> Languages & Frameworks -> GO -> GOPATH
- In Project GOPATH section add click "add" and and select
. If you cannot see hidden files on MAC, just pressCMD + SHIFT + .
To install dependencies, run:
go get name.of/dependency@version
To build the project, run:
./gradlew clean build
The xl binary is then created in the folder xl-cli/build/${GOOS}-${GOARCH}/xl
The Gradle build task is set up to automatically executes the test task. The command to manually run Go tests with Gradle is:
./gradlew test
To run Go tests using the Go binary, change to the directory containing the test file(s) and run:
go test -v
From this same directory, you can also see test coverage by running:
go test -coverprofile cover.out
go tool cover -html=cover.out
When running tests locally using Git blueprint repo fro xl-up, if you hit rate limit errors, set an env variable called XL_UP_GITHUB_TOKEN
with your Github access token to increase the limit.
It is possible to debug xl-cli with the help of, for example, Intellij Idea.
To do that you need to perform few simple steps:
- Install dlv by following this instructions:
- Compile xl-cli binaries with debug information. For that use -Pdebug flag when building it.
Example: `gradle build -Pdebug - Run xl-cli in debug mode via dlv (assuming that you are currently in the root of xl-cli project):
dlv --listen=:2345 --headless=true --api-version=2 exec build/darwin-amd64/xl -- apply -v -f provision.yaml
- Connect using Intellij Idea. In debug configurations click "+" button and choose "Go Remote". Default parameters must be enough to connect.
After saving it just click small "bug" button to start debug session.
There are two ways to optimise the output binaries sizes:
- You can strip debugging information by passing
.- This will shrink the binary by ~20%, but debugging the binary will be harder.
- You can compress binaries by running upx task
gradle clean build upx
- This will shrink the binary by ~50%
In order to run UPX you need to have it installed on your system. The tool is available on brew, yum and apt.
For more information about UPX see:
To release project (git tag), run:
./gradlew release -Prelease.versionIncrementer=incrementRule
Default rule (without versionIncrementer flag),which increments prerelease number, can be combined with -D.release.prereleasePhase=rc, which will change (or start) the prerelease phase (e.g. from alpha to rc). Only one version (tag) possible per commit.
Other incrementer rules are:
- incrementPatch
- incrementMinor
- incrementMajor
- incrementMinorIfNotOnRelease
- incrementPrerelease
Authorization flags:
- SSH: -Prelease.customKeyFile="./keys/secret_key_rsa" -Prelease.customKeyPassword=password
- basic auth: -Prelease.customUsername=username -Prelease.customPassword=password
Jenkins integration flags: ./gradlew release -Prelease.disableChecks -Prelease.pushTagsOnly
Other documentation on: