This repository contains a series of blog posts intended for posting on the Cross Compass website.
Published at:
All content is copyright Cross Compass LLC 2021.
HTML files will be automatically created by GitHub Pages. Create a .md file to be posted under "_posts" folder in the rule "YYYY-MM-DD-(name).md". The folder "_draft" can be used to keep the files not to be posted. Images that will be embedded in pages should be kept under /assets/images/ folder. To be able to access to images embedded in pages, it should be written with relative path ../../../assets/images/(image filename). Remember to add following block to be properly processed. The first entry layout should be "single".
layout: single
title: (title of the post)
issue-date: 2022.01.01
author: name
tags: tag1 tag2
excerpt: Short description of the post
As of 2023.05.25, the feature to show tag list and filter the entries is not yet realized.
To build locally, Jekyll should be installed. Then Jekyll theme: