Markdown to HTML use gulp ,support auto toc
, syntax highlight
Move to the root dir of project, rename your md file to, run:
npm install
then run:
gulp tohtml
The generated file located in dist/index.html.
But, what if i want to real-time preview when i write markdown file?Don't worry. You can use gulp watch
like below:
1、first you should install chrome ext named livereload
2、ordered run commandline:
$ cd your_work_dir
$ http-server ;;;if your have not install it.please run npm install -g http-server
$ gulp watch
Now you can open
to see it.
- --path : the work filepath ,it support gulp path syntax like *.md,**/*.md,etc.
- --title: the file title.
Example use:
gulp tohtml --path **/*.md --title demo-page
AnyWhere,Before you start your work for it ,now please see dist/index.html. The source code of is a demo article, the generated index.html look like below:
There is also a online demo page