When run with the Parks On The Air (POTA) browser extension (https://dwestbrook.net/projects/potaplus/), these scripts will enable looking up callsigns from various loggers when clicking the QSY button.
System Prep After unzipping the files, right click on each .ps1 file, go to properties, then in the General tab, look at the bottom and see if there is a checkbox labeled "Unblock". Be sure to check this box and hit OK.
Known bugs: For unknown reasons, the browser stops making external calls. You can fix this by refreshing the pota spot page, it'll work again.
Note: If you get an error that the port is in use, you may have to change the port number to something else. For this example, the port number is 8075. Your installation could use something different.
Configure PowerShell
Run the following command in a PowerShell window: Get-ExecutionPolicy -List
The output should have RemoteSigned in the CurrentUser line as such:
Scope ExecutionPolicy
----- ---------------
MachinePolicy Undefined
UserPolicy Undefined
Process Undefined
CurrentUser RemoteSigned
LocalMachine AllSigned
If you get an error saying httpServer.ps1 cannot be loaded because running scripts is disabled on this system. To fix this, run the following in a PowerShell window
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser
Usage: To run the proxy that handles communication between your browser and your logging software, you can either:
- double click the StartServer.cmd file OR
- start a PowerShell command prompt and run it by typing ./httpServer.ps1 once started, you can minimize it
First, place the following function at the end of the foreground.js file of the potaplus extension folder.
function setCall(callSign, method) {
console.log("setCall('" + callSign + "', '" + method + "')");
var url = '';
switch(method) {
case 'log4om':
case 'aclog':
url = "http://localhost:8075/?callsign=" + callSign + "&method=" + method;
_fetch( url, {});
This is a bit hard to explain where it goes, but the one line of code below needs to be added to the QSY function so it's called whenever the QSY button is clicked.
Place the following line at the end of the QSY function.
setCall(scan_call, OPTIONS.loggingConfig.method);
The QSY function in the plugin starts with these lines...
if( OPTIONS.enableQsy &&
! objs.freq.innerHTML.match(/QSY_BTN/) ){
In the current source file as I have it, the new line of code above goes just before the '_fetch' call which as of this version is around line 2502
==> Look for this line: _fetch( url, {});//{ mode: 'no-cors' } );
Place the setCall line just before it.
In the end, it should look something like this...
//console.log("URL:", url);
setCall(scan_call, OPTIONS.loggingConfig.method);
_fetch( url, {});//{ mode: 'no-cors' } );