This is Quiplibre, a Free Software alternative to Quiplash.
Quiplibre is available by viewing quiplibre.html in a web browser. You can either download the html file and view it locally, or visit on your phone or computer or whatever.
Once you are looking at quiplibre, you will be given a chance to host a new game or join a game as a player.
NOTE: You must be connected to the internet to play quiplibre.
Sure! Just open a hosting session, and then have each player including yourself open a joining session. Quiplibre is still mostly functional even without a "big screen" everyone can see.
Sure, just modify the prompts array in the html file. It's a big ol' list of prompts, named prompts
. You must surround your prompt in quotation marks (either 'single' or "double") and after the closing quotation mark put a comma. Give it a shot!
You might want to make a copy of the unaltered prompts first and put it somewhere convenient, so you can go back to the default prompts easily.
So I notice this project is missing a lot of the bells and whistles of Quiplash, such as music, timers, colors, etc
Yeah, I couldn't be bothered. If you'd like to try to spruce Quiplibre up, go right ahead :)
Raise an issue or submit a pull request on Only submit prompts you have the legal right and volition to release under the project's license, though. Don't be stealing copyrighted works to submit as Quiplash prompts!
This project is released under the license found in license.txt. Here is a copyright notice to express that more fully:
Copyright (C) 2020, Wyatt S Carpenter
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
This project depends on various other things, such as PeerJS,, the text of license.txt, Google's STUN server, and your browser's WebRTC capabilities, which are not our responsibility and which are released under their own terms.
Games that are like Quiplash could perhaps be called "quip games" or "quiplikes". At time of writing (2023-09-07) here are the quiplikes I know about:
- lists 16 alternatives to quiplash, many of them quiplikes, including this one
-, although I get the impression that it is now defunct
-, also described here:
- there are several versions of Quiplash published by Jackbox Games, which I guess are technically quiplikes
- the various forks of Quiplibre are cool! I haven't looked over them in depth, but some of them probably have better UX than Quiplibre itself
- there are various quiplash-related repos on github, some of them apparently open source quiplikes, which is nice :)
- there may have been, in human history, various times at which someone invented "write funny answers to amusing prompts" as a game, but I haven't looked into it.