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Technology/Plugin | Description | Summary Description | Links |
Vercel | App hosting | A platform for frontend developers, providing global hosting and deployment for web projects. | Documentation |
TypeScript | Programming language | A typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript, enhancing code reliability and maintainability. | Handbook |
Next.js | App framework | A React-based framework for building server-side rendered and static web applications. | Learn Next.js |
React | UI library | A popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, maintained by Facebook. | Getting Started |
Tailwind CSS | CSS framework | A utility-first CSS framework for creating custom designs without writing custom CSS. | Documentation |
shadcn/ui | UI components | A set of pre-built UI components for React applications, offering a modular approach to design. | Components |
Framer Motion | Animations | An open-source library for creating animations and complex interactions in React applications. | API Reference |
MDX | Markdown for JSX | A format for writing JSX and Markdown together, allowing seamless component rendering within Markdown files. | Getting Started |
SCSS | CSS preprocessor | A CSS preprocessor that adds features like variables, nested rules, and mixins to standard CSS. | Guide |
Aceternity UI | UI components | A comprehensive UI component library designed for scalable and aesthetic React projects. | Documentation |
remark-code-blocks | MDX Plugin | Enhances MDX by allowing code blocks with added functionality, like syntax highlighting. | GitHub Repository |
remark-code-frontmatter | MDX Plugin | Adds support for frontmatter metadata within code blocks in MDX content. | GitHub Repository |
remark-code-import | MDX Plugin | Allows importing code snippets from external files into MDX documents. | GitHub Repository |
remark-code-screenshot | MDX Plugin | Captures screenshots of code blocks as images. | GitHub Repository |
remark-code-title | MDX Plugin | Adds custom titles to code blocks in MDX. | GitHub Repository |
remark-codesandbox | MDX Plugin | Integrates CodeSandbox embeds within MDX documents. | GitHub Repository |
remark-collapse | MDX Plugin | Enables collapsible sections in MDX content. | GitHub Repository |
remark-contributors | MDX Plugin | Adds a list of contributors to MDX documents. | GitHub Repository |
remark-custom-header-id | MDX Plugin | Customizes header IDs for improved linkability. | GitHub Repository |
remark-definition-list | MDX Plugin | Adds support for definition lists in MDX content. | GitHub Repository |
remark-docx | MDX Plugin | Converts MDX content to DOCX format. | GitHub Repository |
remark-embed-images | MDX Plugin | Embeds images directly into MDX files. | GitHub Repository |
remark-emoji | MDX Plugin | Converts emoji shortcodes to Unicode emojis in MDX. | GitHub Repository |
remark-extended-table | MDX Plugin | Adds support for extended table features in MDX. | GitHub Repository |
remark-frontmatter | MDX Plugin | Supports parsing and using frontmatter metadata in MDX. | GitHub Repository |
remark-mdx-frontmatter | MDX Plugin | Adds MDX-specific frontmatter support for more flexible metadata usage. | GitHub Repository |
remark-gfm | MDX Plugin | Adds GitHub Flavored Markdown support in MDX. | GitHub Repository |
remark-git-contributors | MDX Plugin | Lists Git contributors within MDX content. | GitHub Repository |
remark-github | MDX Plugin | Links and styles GitHub references in MDX. | GitHub Repository |
remark-github-blockquote-alert | MDX Plugin | Styles blockquotes as alerts with GitHub-like design. | GitHub Repository |
remark-hint | MDX Plugin | Adds hint and tip boxes to MDX content. | GitHub Repository |
remark-math | MDX Plugin | Adds support for math notation in MDX content. | GitHub Repository |
remark-mdx-math-enhanced | MDX Plugin | Enhances math rendering capabilities in MDX for better equation display and formatting. | GitHub Repository |
rehype-katex | MDX Plugin | Renders math notation using KaTeX in MDX. | GitHub Repository |
rehype-mathjax | MDX Plugin | Renders math notation using MathJax in MDX. | GitHub Repository |
remark-oembed | MDX Plugin | Embeds external content like tweets and videos in MDX. | GitHub Repository |
remark-prism | MDX Plugin | Adds syntax highlighting to code blocks using Prism.js. | GitHub Repository |
remark-smartypants | MDX Plugin | Converts quotes and dashes to typographically correct symbols. | GitHub Repository |
remark-sources | MDX Plugin | Lists sources and references in MDX content. | GitHub Repository |
remark-usage | MDX Plugin | Generates usage documentation from code in MDX. | GitHub Repository |
rehype-autolink-headings | MDX Plugin | Adds anchor links to headings in MDX content. | GitHub Repository |
rehype-callouts | MDX Plugin | Adds callout boxes to MDX content. | GitHub Repository |
rehype-citation | MDX Plugin | Enables citation formatting in MDX content. | GitHub Repository |
rehype-color-chips | MDX Plugin | Displays color chips in MDX for easier color visualization. | GitHub Repository |
rehype-infer-reading-time-meta | MDX Plugin | Infers reading time and adds metadata to MDX content. | GitHub Repository |
rehype-jargon | MDX Plugin | Provides tooltips for technical terms in MDX. | GitHub Repository |
rehype-mermaid | MDX Plugin | Integrates Mermaid diagrams into MDX content. | GitHub Repository |
rehype-prism-plus | MDX Plugin | Advanced code block syntax highlighting using Prism.js. | GitHub Repository |
rehype-semantic-blockquotes | MDX Plugin | Styles blockquotes with semantic HTML. | GitHub Repository |
rehype-sort-tailwind-classes | MDX Plugin | Automatically sorts Tailwind CSS classes for consistency. | GitHub Repository |
mdx-embed | MDX Plugin | Embeds media from various platforms directly into MDX content. | GitHub Repository |
remark-toc | MDX Plugin | Generates a table of contents in MDX documents. | GitHub Repository |
remark-validate-links | MDX Plugin | Validates links in MDX content to ensure they are functional. | GitHub Repository |
eslint-plugin-mdx | Linting Plugin | An ESLint plugin that adds support for linting MDX and JSX within Markdown files. | GitHub Repository |