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Preset Selector GNOME Extension

Ulvican Kahya edited this page Sep 27, 2023 · 3 revisions

If you are a GNOME user and want to switch between your presets easily without opening the EasyEffects window, there is a GNOME Extension for you. It's fully compatible with both Flatpak and and non-flatpak versions of EasyEffects. PulseEffects is not supported.


It basicly adds a button to your top panel. Then you can click on it to see your available presets and click one to activate it without opening EasyEffects window. It also adds keyboard shortcuts to cycle through available input and output presets. Those can be set from extensions preferences window. Default keybindings are Ctrl + Super + o for output and Ctrl + Super + i for input presets.


From GNOME Extensions Website

You can install the latest version directly from the GNOME Extensions website

  • To be able to install extensions from extensions website, you need to have:

    1. gnome-browser-connector package (from your package manager)
    2. GNOME Shell Integration add-on for your browser - for chromium , for firefox

Manual Installation

There are instuctions for manual installation in project's github page