This is a Leaflet plugin for create draggable popup with a tail point to anchor. Feedback appreciated !
Import the plugin js file in your page.
The following code will create three draggable popups, two of them are standalone lables, and one is popup bind to a marker.
addPopup(L.latLng(30.661057, 104.081757), {'closeButton':'true'}, L.latLng(34, 100));
addPopup(L.latLng(32.047615, 118.772781), {'backgroundColor':'#8ac4d0'});
bindPopup(L.latLng(34.668041, 112.424797), {'backgroundColor':'#fce38a', 'closeButton':'true'});
function addPopup(anchorLatLng, options, popupLatLng) {
var popup = L.draggablePopup(options)
.setPopupLatLng(popupLatLng ? popupLatLng : anchorLatLng)
.setContent('<p style="color:red">' + anchorLatLng + '</p>')
var marker = L.circleMarker(anchorLatLng, {
radius: 5
function bindPopup(anchorLatLng, options, popupLatLng) {
var popup = L.draggablePopup(options)
.setPopupLatLng(popupLatLng ? popupLatLng : anchorLatLng)
.setContent('<p style="color:red">' + anchorLatLng + '</p>');
var marker = L.circleMarker(anchorLatLng, {
radius: 5