Created by Oscar Otero [email protected]
This package needs php>=5.4 and is available on Packagist:
composer require form-manager/form-manager
FormManager is namespaced, but you only need to import a single class into your context:
use FormManager\Builder as F;
All HTML5 field types are supported.
//Create an input type="text" element
$name = F::text();
//Use the jQuery syntax to set/get/remove attributes:
$name->attr('name', 'username');
'maxlength' => 50,
'required' => true
$maxlength = $name->attr('maxlength');
//Get/set values
//Get/set css classes
//Get/set/remove data-* attributes
$name->data('id', 23);
'name' => 'value',
'foo' => 'bar'
$foo = $name->data('foo');
$name->removeData(); //Remove all data
//You can chain various methods:
$email = F::email()->addClass('cool-input')->id('my-email')->val('[email protected]');
//And use the __call() magic method to add attributes:
$email->required(); //same than $email->attr('required', true);
$email->required(false); //same than $email->attr('required', false);
The html code is created automatically on convert the object into a string:
$name = F::text()->class('my-input')->required();
echo $name; //<input type="text" class="my-input" required>
//print the input with extra attributes
echo $name->addClass('text-input')->placeholder('Your name');
//You can customize the render function:
return '<div class="field">'.$input.'</div>';
Inputs can validate the data depending of the type and other validation attributes:
$url = F::url();
//Set the input as required
//Check if the value is valid
if (!$url->isValid()) {
echo $url->error(); //This value is required
//set an invalid url
//check the value and get the error
if (!$url->isValid()) {
echo $url->error(); //This value is not a valid url
The inputs can handle custom validators:
$name = F::text();
function isDave($input)
if ($input->val() !== 'dave') {
throw new FormManager\InvalidValueException('This value must be "dave"');
//Add custom validators
if (!$name->isValid()) {
echo $name->error(); //This value must be "dave"
//Remove the validator
The load()
method is like val()
but it handles the data sent by the client:
$name = F::text();
//Add a function to sanitize the data
return strip_tags($value);
//if you use val(), the value remains as is
echo $name->val(); //<strong>earl</strong>
//if you use load(), the value will be sanitized
echo $name->val(); //earl
You can use labels with your inputs, just use the property ->label
and it will be created automatically. It may also generate an extra label with the error message.
$name = F::text();
//Define a label
$name->label('User name');
//And modify the label using the same syntax than inputs:
//Print all (label + input)
echo $name;
//Print label and inputs separately
echo $name->label . '<br>' . $name->input;
Containers are objects that contain other elements (fields or other containers). Technically, they are html elements (by default <div></div>
) so they have the same methods than inputs to set/get/remove attributes.
There are various types of containers, deppending of the data scheme:
A group is a simple container to store fields/containers by name. The following example shows a group of three fields:
$date = F::group([
'day' => F::number()->min(1)->max(31)->label('Day'),
'month' => F::number()->min(1)->max(12)->label('Month'),
'year' => F::number()->min(1900)->max(2013)->label('Year')
//Set values to group
'day' => 21,
'month' => 6,
'year' => 1979
//Get values
$values = $date->val();
//Use array syntax to access to the fields by name
$year = $date['year']->val();
//Add more fields dinamically
$date['hour'] = F::number()->min(0)->max(23)->label('Hour');
//Add other html attributes to the group:
$date->addClass('field-day')->attr(['id' => 'date-field']);
This container stores fields with the same name but different values. Useful for radio inputs or to define various submit buttons.
//Create a choose container
$colors = F::choose();
//Add some fields. The keys are the values
'red' => F::radio()->label('Red'),
'blue' => F::radio()->label('Blue'),
'green' => F::radio()->label('Green')
//Access to the fields by value
$red_radio = $colors['red'];
//Add more fields dinamically
$colors['yellow'] = F::radio()->label('Yellow');
//Set the value
//Get value
$color_choosen = $colors->val();
It's like a group, but stores a collection of values:
//Create a collection container
$people = F::collection([
'name' => F::text()->label('Name'),
'email' => F::email()->label('email'),
'age' => F::number()->label('Age')
//Set two values
'name' => 'Xaquín',
'email' => '[email protected]',
'age' => '24'
'name' => 'Uxío',
'email' => '[email protected]',
'age' => '37'
//Access to the first group of values:
$group = $people[0];
//Access to any field
echo $people[0]['name']->val(); //returns 'Xaquín'
//Push a new value
'name' => 'Manoela',
'email' => '[email protected]',
'age' => '18'
//Returns the group container used as template for each value inserted.
//useful to use the html template in javascript
$template = $people->getTemplate();
echo '<div class="template">'.$template.'</div>';
If you need different types of values in your collection, CollectionMultiple is the answer:
//Create a collectionMultiple container
$article = F::collectionMultiple([
'section' => [
'title' => F::text()->label('Title'),
'text' => F::textarea()->label('Text')
'picture' => [
'caption' => F::text()->label('Caption'),
'image' => F::file()->label('Image')
'quote' => [
'text' => F::textarea()->label('Text'),
'author' => F::text()->label('Author')
//Set values. Note that we need a "type" value to know the type of each row
'type' => 'section',
'title' => 'This is the section title',
'text' => 'Lorem ipsum...',
'type' => 'quote',
'text' => 'You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.',
'author' => 'Albert Einstein'
// Note that a hidden input will be created for you to store the group type
$article[0]['type']->val(); //section
$article[0]['type']->attr('type'); //hidden
//Push more values
'type' => 'section',
'title' => 'This is another section',
'text' => 'The world of dogs are better than the cats because...'
//Add new types
'video' => [
'title' => F::text()->label('Title'),
'video' => F::url()->label('Youtube url')
//Returns an array with all templates used
$templates = $article->getTemplate();
foreach ($templates as $name => $template) {
echo '<div class="template-'.$name.'">'.$template.'</div>';
We need a form to put all this things together. The form is just another container, in fact, it's like a Group.
$form = F::form();
//Set the form attributes:
'action' => 'test.php',
'method' => 'post'
//Add some fields and containers
'name' => F::text()->maxlength(50)->required()->label('Your name'),
'email' => F::email()->label('Your email'),
'telephone' => F::tel()->label('Telephone number'),
'gender' => F::choose([
'm' => F::radio()->label('Male'),
'f' => F::radio()->label('Female')
'born' => F::group([
'day' => F::number()->min(1)->max(31)->label('Day'),
'month' => F::number()->min(1)->max(12)->label('Month'),
'year' => F::number()->min(1900)->max(2013)->label('Year')
'language' => F::select()->options(array(
'gl' => 'Galician',
'es' => 'Spanish',
'en' => 'English'
'friends' => F::collection([
'name' => F::text()->label('Name'),
'email' => F::email()->label('email'),
'age' => F::number()->label('Age')
'action' => F::choose([
'save' => F::submit()->html('Save changes'),
'duplicate' => F::submit()->html('Save changes')
//You can also add new fields using the array syntax (the key will be the input name):
$form['new-input'] = F::range()->min(0)->max(100)->val(50);
//Print the form
echo $form;
//Access to the fields using key names
echo $form['website'];
//Or fields inside fields
echo $form['born']['day'];
//Set the values to all fields:
'name' => 'Oscar',
'email' => '[email protected]',
'gender' => 'm',
'born' => [
'day' => 21,
'month' => 6,
'year' => 1979
'language' => 'gl',
'friends' => [
'name' => 'Friend 1',
'email' => '[email protected]',
'age' => 25,
'name' => 'Friend 2',
'email' => '[email protected]',
'age' => 30,
'name' => 'Friend 3',
'email' => '[email protected]',
'age' => 35,
'action' => 'save'
//Get the values
$values = $form->val();
//To load the raw values from globals $_GET, $_POST and $_FILES:
//Or specify your own globals
$form->loadFromGlobals($_my_GET, $_my_POST, $_my_FILES);
//Check the errors
if (!$form->isValid()) {
echo 'there are errors in the form';
The Builder
class is used to ease the creation of fields and containers. For example, instead of this:
use FormManager\Containers\Form;
use FormManager\Inputs\Text;
use FormManager\Inputs\Textarea;
$form = new Form([
'name' => new Text(),
'bio' => new Textarea(),
You can do simply this:
use FormManager\Builder as F;
$form = F::form([
'name' => F::text(),
'bio' => F::textarea()
The FormManager\Builder
handles the instantation of all theses classes for you using factories. By default, it contains the FormManager\Factory
, responsible of instantation of all fields and containers.
But you can add your owns factories, creating classes implementing FormManager\FactoryInterface
This is useful for a lot of things. For example, to create custom fields:
use FormManager\Builder as F;
use FormManager\FactoryInterface;
class CustomFields implements FactoryInterface
* Method required by the interface
public function get($name, array $arguments)
if (method_exists($this, $name)) {
return $this->$name();
public function Year()
return F::number()->min(1900)->max(date('Y'));
Use it in your app:
use FormManager\Builder as F;
F::addFactory(new CustomFields());
$date = F::form([
'name' => F::text(),
'born-year' => F::year(),
'dead-year' => F::year(),
Other example is save all forms of your app under a namespace:
namespace MyApp\Forms;
use FormManager\Builder as F;
use FormManager\Containers\Form;
class EditUserForm extends Form
public function __construct()
'name' => F::text()->maxlength(200)->label('Name'),
'email' => F::email()->label('Email'),
'password' => F::password()->label('Password'),
'repeat_password' => F::password()->label('Repeat password')
//Add a validator to check the password
$this->addValidator('password-check', function($form)
$password1 = $form['password']->val();
$password2 = $form['repeat_password']->val();
if ($password1 !== $password2) {
throw new FormManager\InvalidValueException('The passwords does not match');
And create a factory
use FormManager\FactoryInterface;
class MyForms implements FactoryInterface
public function get($name, array $arguments)
$class = 'MyApp\\Forms\\'.ucfirst($name);
if (class_exists($class)) {
return new $class();
Use it:
use FormManager\Builder as F;
F::addFactory(new MyForms());
$editUser = F::editUserForm();
Note: Each time you register a new factory, it will be prepended to the already registered ones, so if you register fields/containers called "Form", "Textarea", etc, they will be used instead the default. This allows extend them.