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WSO2 Identity Server 5.1.0 Developer Fundamentals

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@NalinSugathapala NalinSugathapala released this 12 Feb 07:32
· 158 commits to master since this release

This release is for the labkits, presentations and course curriculum for WSO2 Identity Server 5.1.0 Developer Fundamentals course.

Update 12th May 2016
The connect in the WSO2.Identity.Server.5.1.0.Developer.Fundamentals.pptx and WSO2.Identity.Server.5.1.0.Developer.Fundamentals.pdf as follows:

  • Slide 23: Added additional speaker notes.
  • Slide 27: Added an explanation on the use of User Account Approval feature in IS.
  • Slide 37: Corrected the order of steps. The number of steps distinct steps of interest remain at 5.