Presented by Officer Dan Doherty
- Naloxone (NARCAN)
- DPS - Department of Public Safety
- CLERY / Wright State Alert
- Run Hide Fight
- Campus resources
Completely free for training, pick up in Police Department. Provided by project DAWN.
Overdose symptoms:
- unresponsiveness
- slow shallow breath, < 1 breath every six seconds
- choking, snoring, or gurgling sounds
- blue, grey, ashen lips and fingernails
- seizures
- vomiting
- slow light or no heartbeat
What to do if someone is overdosing:
- check to see if they respond / sternal rub
- call 911 or WSU police dispatch
- breathing
- check airway
- at a minimum, roll on to side
- rescue breaths, check for chest movements
- provide naloxone/NARCAN (available in AED kit outside 149 Russ Engineering)
- naloxone is free at any project DAWN location in Ohio (or WSU police)
- may need multiple (2-10) doses administered minutes apart depending on amount of drugs in system
No negative side effects of narcan if person is not overdosing
Are these bullet points anywhere on university website?
Location: 108 Allyn Hall Dispatch (24 Hour): 060 Allyn Hall
Campus Notification and Alerts
Wright State Alert / WSU Emergency Notification System
- Accessing your account
- Sign in to WINGS Express
- Click on the Personal Information tab
- Click on Manage Wright State Alert!—Emergency Notifications
- WSU is a Storm Ready University and is open at all times for shelter / safety
- This is true even when the university is closed
- Allyn Hall is always unlocked for safety reasons
In that order. Know all escapes from building. Have a plan a, b, and c to escape, hide, improvise a weapon.
Know what to do when help arrives.
- Follow police instructions
- Keep hands up and visible while exiting the building
- Observe, Orient, Decide, Act
Not counseling or treatment. Intended to offer hope through positive action.
Many myths and facts around suicide.
List of resources.
Provide hope. Need a better collection of services and numbers / protocols...