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Add chebyshev, canberra, minkowksi and hellinger distance metrics (ra…
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This change will be followed up by cuML side change to use these metrics and update the pytest accordingly.

  - Mahesh Doijade (

  - Corey J. Nolet (
  - Dante Gama Dessavre (

URL: rapidsai#276
  • Loading branch information
mdoijade authored Jul 6, 2021
1 parent eabaafe commit 82061e0
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Showing 12 changed files with 1,164 additions and 28 deletions.
161 changes: 161 additions & 0 deletions cpp/include/raft/distance/canberra.cuh
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
* Copyright (c) 2021, NVIDIA CORPORATION.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.

#pragma once
#include <raft/distance/pairwise_distance_base.cuh>

namespace raft {
namespace distance {

* @brief the canberra distance matrix calculation implementer
* It computes the following equation: cij = max(cij, op(ai-bj))
* @tparam DataT input data-type (for A and B matrices)
* @tparam AccT accumulation data-type
* @tparam OutT output data-type (for C and D matrices)
* @tparam IdxT index data-type
* @tparam Veclen number of k-elements loaded by each thread
for every LDG call. details in contractions.cuh
* @tparam FinalLambda final lambda called on final distance value
* @tparam isRowMajor true if input/output is row major,
false for column major
* @param[in] x input matrix
* @param[in] y input matrix
* @param[in] m number of rows of A and C/D
* @param[in] n number of rows of B and cols of C/D
* @param[in] k number of cols of A and B
* @param[in] lda leading dimension of A
* @param[in] ldb leading dimension of B
* @param[in] ldd leading dimension of C/D
* @param[output] dOutput output matrix
* @param fin_op the final gemm epilogue lambda
* @param stream cuda stream to launch work
template <typename DataT, typename AccT, typename OutT, typename IdxT,
int VecLen, typename FinalLambda, bool isRowMajor>
static void canberraImpl(const DataT *x, const DataT *y, IdxT m, IdxT n, IdxT k,
IdxT lda, IdxT ldb, IdxT ldd, OutT *dOutput,
FinalLambda fin_op, cudaStream_t stream) {
typedef typename raft::linalg::Policy4x4<DataT, VecLen>::Policy RowPolicy;
typedef typename raft::linalg::Policy4x4<DataT, VecLen>::ColPolicy ColPolicy;

typename std::conditional<isRowMajor, RowPolicy, ColPolicy>::type KPolicy;

dim3 blk(KPolicy::Nthreads);

// Accumulation operation lambda
auto core_lambda = [] __device__(AccT & acc, DataT & x, DataT & y) {
const auto diff = raft::L1Op<AccT, IdxT>()(x - y);
const auto add = raft::myAbs(x) + raft::myAbs(y);
// deal with potential for 0 in denominator by
// forcing 1/0 instead
acc += ((add != 0) * diff / (add + (add == 0)));

// epilogue operation lambda for final value calculation
auto epilog_lambda = [] __device__(
AccT acc[KPolicy::AccRowsPerTh][KPolicy::AccColsPerTh],
DataT * regxn, DataT * regyn, IdxT gridStrideX,
IdxT gridStrideY) { return; };

if (isRowMajor) {
auto canberraRowMajor =
pairwiseDistanceMatKernel<false, DataT, AccT, OutT, IdxT, KPolicy,
decltype(core_lambda), decltype(epilog_lambda),
FinalLambda, true>;
dim3 grid =
launchConfigGenerator<KPolicy>(m, n, KPolicy::SmemSize, canberraRowMajor);

canberraRowMajor<<<grid, blk, KPolicy::SmemSize, stream>>>(
x, y, nullptr, nullptr, m, n, k, lda, ldb, ldd, dOutput, core_lambda,
epilog_lambda, fin_op);
} else {
auto canberraColMajor =
pairwiseDistanceMatKernel<false, DataT, AccT, OutT, IdxT, KPolicy,
decltype(core_lambda), decltype(epilog_lambda),
FinalLambda, false>;
dim3 grid =
launchConfigGenerator<KPolicy>(m, n, KPolicy::SmemSize, canberraColMajor);
canberraColMajor<<<grid, blk, KPolicy::SmemSize, stream>>>(
x, y, nullptr, nullptr, m, n, k, lda, ldb, ldd, dOutput, core_lambda,
epilog_lambda, fin_op);


template <typename DataT, typename AccT, typename OutT, typename IdxT,
typename FinalLambda, bool isRowMajor>
void canberra(IdxT m, IdxT n, IdxT k, IdxT lda, IdxT ldb, IdxT ldd,
const DataT *x, const DataT *y, OutT *dOutput, FinalLambda fin_op,
cudaStream_t stream) {
size_t bytesA = sizeof(DataT) * lda;
size_t bytesB = sizeof(DataT) * ldb;
if (16 % sizeof(DataT) == 0 && bytesA % 16 == 0 && bytesB % 16 == 0) {
canberraImpl<DataT, AccT, OutT, IdxT, 16 / sizeof(DataT), FinalLambda,
isRowMajor>(x, y, m, n, k, lda, ldb, ldd, dOutput, fin_op,
} else if (8 % sizeof(DataT) == 0 && bytesA % 8 == 0 && bytesB % 8 == 0) {
canberraImpl<DataT, AccT, OutT, IdxT, 8 / sizeof(DataT), FinalLambda,
isRowMajor>(x, y, m, n, k, lda, ldb, ldd, dOutput, fin_op,
} else {
canberraImpl<DataT, AccT, OutT, IdxT, 1, FinalLambda, isRowMajor>(
x, y, m, n, k, lda, ldb, ldd, dOutput, fin_op, stream);

* @brief the canberra distance matrix calculation
* It computes the following equation: cij = max(cij, op(ai-bj))
* @tparam InType input data-type (for A and B matrices)
* @tparam AccType accumulation data-type
* @tparam OutType output data-type (for C and D matrices)
* @tparam FinalLambda user-defined epilogue lamba
* @tparam Index_ Index type
* @param[in] m number of rows of A and C/D
* @param[in] n number of rows of B and cols of C/D
* @param[in] k number of cols of A and B
* @param[in] pA input matrix
* @param[in] pB input matrix
* @param[out] pD output matrix
* @param[in] fin_op the final element-wise epilogue lambda
* @param[in] stream cuda stream to launch work
* @param[in] isRowMajor whether the input and output matrices are row major
template <typename InType, typename AccType, typename OutType,
typename FinalLambda, typename Index_ = int>
void canberraImpl(int m, int n, int k, const InType *pA, const InType *pB,
OutType *pD, FinalLambda fin_op, cudaStream_t stream,
bool isRowMajor) {
typedef std::is_same<OutType, bool> is_bool;
typedef typename std::conditional<is_bool::value, OutType, AccType>::type
Index_ lda, ldb, ldd;
canberraOutType *pDcast = reinterpret_cast<canberraOutType *>(pD);
if (isRowMajor) {
lda = k, ldb = k, ldd = n;
canberra<InType, AccType, canberraOutType, Index_, FinalLambda, true>(
m, n, k, lda, ldb, ldd, pA, pB, pDcast, fin_op, stream);
} else {
lda = n, ldb = m, ldd = m;
canberra<InType, AccType, canberraOutType, Index_, FinalLambda, false>(
n, m, k, lda, ldb, ldd, pB, pA, pDcast, fin_op, stream);
} // namespace distance
} // namespace raft
158 changes: 158 additions & 0 deletions cpp/include/raft/distance/chebyshev.cuh
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
* Copyright (c) 2021, NVIDIA CORPORATION.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.

#pragma once
#include <raft/distance/pairwise_distance_base.cuh>

namespace raft {
namespace distance {

* @brief the Chebyshev distance matrix calculation implementer
* It computes the following equation: cij = max(cij, op(ai-bj))
* @tparam DataT input data-type (for A and B matrices)
* @tparam AccT accumulation data-type
* @tparam OutT output data-type (for C and D matrices)
* @tparam IdxT index data-type
* @tparam Veclen number of k-elements loaded by each thread
for every LDG call. details in contractions.cuh
* @tparam FinalLambda final lambda called on final distance value
* @tparam isRowMajor true if input/output is row major,
false for column major
* @param[in] x input matrix
* @param[in] y input matrix
* @param[in] m number of rows of A and C/D
* @param[in] n number of rows of B and cols of C/D
* @param[in] k number of cols of A and B
* @param[in] lda leading dimension of A
* @param[in] ldb leading dimension of B
* @param[in] ldd leading dimension of C/D
* @param[out] dOutput output matrix
* @param[in] fin_op the final gemm epilogue lambda
* @param[in] stream cuda stream to launch work
template <typename DataT, typename AccT, typename OutT, typename IdxT,
int VecLen, typename FinalLambda, bool isRowMajor>
static void chebyshevImpl(const DataT *x, const DataT *y, IdxT m, IdxT n,
IdxT k, IdxT lda, IdxT ldb, IdxT ldd, OutT *dOutput,
FinalLambda fin_op, cudaStream_t stream) {
typedef typename raft::linalg::Policy4x4<DataT, VecLen>::Policy RowPolicy;
typedef typename raft::linalg::Policy4x4<DataT, VecLen>::ColPolicy ColPolicy;

typename std::conditional<isRowMajor, RowPolicy, ColPolicy>::type KPolicy;

dim3 blk(KPolicy::Nthreads);

// Accumulation operation lambda
auto core_lambda = [] __device__(AccT & acc, DataT & x, DataT & y) {
const auto diff = raft::L1Op<AccT, IdxT>()(x - y);
acc = raft::myMax(acc, diff);

// epilogue operation lambda for final value calculation
auto epilog_lambda = [] __device__(
AccT acc[KPolicy::AccRowsPerTh][KPolicy::AccColsPerTh],
DataT * regxn, DataT * regyn, IdxT gridStrideX,
IdxT gridStrideY) { return; };

if (isRowMajor) {
auto chebyshevRowMajor =
pairwiseDistanceMatKernel<false, DataT, AccT, OutT, IdxT, KPolicy,
decltype(core_lambda), decltype(epilog_lambda),
FinalLambda, true>;
dim3 grid = launchConfigGenerator<KPolicy>(m, n, KPolicy::SmemSize,

chebyshevRowMajor<<<grid, blk, KPolicy::SmemSize, stream>>>(
x, y, nullptr, nullptr, m, n, k, lda, ldb, ldd, dOutput, core_lambda,
epilog_lambda, fin_op);
} else {
auto chebyshevColMajor =
pairwiseDistanceMatKernel<false, DataT, AccT, OutT, IdxT, KPolicy,
decltype(core_lambda), decltype(epilog_lambda),
FinalLambda, false>;
dim3 grid = launchConfigGenerator<KPolicy>(m, n, KPolicy::SmemSize,
chebyshevColMajor<<<grid, blk, KPolicy::SmemSize, stream>>>(
x, y, nullptr, nullptr, m, n, k, lda, ldb, ldd, dOutput, core_lambda,
epilog_lambda, fin_op);


template <typename DataT, typename AccT, typename OutT, typename IdxT,
typename FinalLambda, bool isRowMajor>
void chebyshev(IdxT m, IdxT n, IdxT k, IdxT lda, IdxT ldb, IdxT ldd,
const DataT *x, const DataT *y, OutT *dOutput,
FinalLambda fin_op, cudaStream_t stream) {
size_t bytesA = sizeof(DataT) * lda;
size_t bytesB = sizeof(DataT) * ldb;
if (16 % sizeof(DataT) == 0 && bytesA % 16 == 0 && bytesB % 16 == 0) {
chebyshevImpl<DataT, AccT, OutT, IdxT, 16 / sizeof(DataT), FinalLambda,
isRowMajor>(x, y, m, n, k, lda, ldb, ldd, dOutput, fin_op,
} else if (8 % sizeof(DataT) == 0 && bytesA % 8 == 0 && bytesB % 8 == 0) {
chebyshevImpl<DataT, AccT, OutT, IdxT, 8 / sizeof(DataT), FinalLambda,
isRowMajor>(x, y, m, n, k, lda, ldb, ldd, dOutput, fin_op,
} else {
chebyshevImpl<DataT, AccT, OutT, IdxT, 1, FinalLambda, isRowMajor>(
x, y, m, n, k, lda, ldb, ldd, dOutput, fin_op, stream);

* @brief the chebyshev distance matrix calculation
* It computes the following equation: cij = max(cij, op(ai-bj))
* @tparam InType input data-type (for A and B matrices)
* @tparam AccType accumulation data-type
* @tparam OutType output data-type (for C and D matrices)
* @tparam FinalLambda user-defined epilogue lamba
* @tparam Index_ Index type
* @param[in] m number of rows of A and C/D
* @param[in] n number of rows of B and cols of C/D
* @param[in] k number of cols of A and B
* @param[in] pA input matrix
* @param[in] pB input matrix
* @param[out] pD output matrix
* @param[in] fin_op the final element-wise epilogue lambda
* @param[in] stream cuda stream to launch work
* @param[in] isRowMajor whether the input and output matrices are row major
template <typename InType, typename AccType, typename OutType,
typename FinalLambda, typename Index_ = int>
void chebyshevImpl(int m, int n, int k, const InType *pA, const InType *pB,
OutType *pD, FinalLambda fin_op, cudaStream_t stream,
bool isRowMajor) {
typedef std::is_same<OutType, bool> is_bool;
typedef typename std::conditional<is_bool::value, OutType, AccType>::type
Index_ lda, ldb, ldd;
chebyshevOutType *pDcast = reinterpret_cast<chebyshevOutType *>(pD);
if (isRowMajor) {
lda = k, ldb = k, ldd = n;
chebyshev<InType, AccType, chebyshevOutType, Index_, FinalLambda, true>(
m, n, k, lda, ldb, ldd, pA, pB, pDcast, fin_op, stream);
} else {
lda = n, ldb = m, ldd = m;
chebyshev<InType, AccType, chebyshevOutType, Index_, FinalLambda, false>(
n, m, k, lda, ldb, ldd, pB, pA, pDcast, fin_op, stream);
} // namespace distance
} // namespace raft

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