This is the source code to the Wossname Industries website. It's built using Middleman static site generator and deployed to Amazon S3, fronted by CloudFront. I'm using more-or-less the same template for all my websites right now, so there's a lot of duplication between this site and others on I really ought to pull the common bits out into a gem or something. Assets are managed through an external asset pipeline, using gulp to generate CSS & JavaScript from the source.
Building and deploying the site is controlled through rake, which encapsulates all the associated tasks required.
Ruby dependencies are managed through Bundler, NodeJS ones through npm, and client side code is managed through Bower. That all sounds a bit complicated, so running:
rake deps
should install all the dependencies required to build the site.
To develop the site, it's helpful to run Middleman locally, which will serve up live versions of the pages. As with every web app I develop, I'm running the server via foreman, but there's a Rake task to abstract that away. Run:
rake serve
and the site should be available on http://localhost:5000, LiveReload should
be set up to automatically refresh a page when it changes, though that can
sometimes be a bit patchy if it involves the external pipeline. If you change
any of the Ruby code (config.rb
or anything in helpers/
) you'll want to
restart the server for the changes to be seen.
In order to build a static version of the site, run:
bundle exec rake build
which will kick off Middleman (which will, in turn, kick off the external asset
pipeline) to build everything. The resulting static site will wind up in the
To deploy the site to Amazon S3, first build it as above, then run:
bundle exec rake deploy
This relies on AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
being set in the
environment. It will upload any changed files to S3, kick off a CloudFront
invalidation to make sure the new pages are being served, and it'll ping
Google/Bing with the new sitemap to let them know it's been updated. This
happens automatically through Travis CI when a new version is pushed to master.
These are mostly just for my benefit, since they're not all public!
Trello Board (team visible, since it contains everything on my todo list for Wossname Industries, not just the web site!)
Google Analytics which I'd make public if I knew how. ;-)
Google Tag Manager which I'm playing around with for managing random lumps of JavaScript on the page.
Other places you can find Wossname Industries around the web: