- Overview
- Login session
Utilize a socket-based login session to establish a connection between a decentralized application (Dapp) and WalletConnect.
requiredNamespaces | { \
chains?: string[];
methods: string[]; events: string[]; \ } |
chain: list chain id support(Currently, only support one wax chain)
Method: list support method Events: list support events |
pairingTopic | string | Pairing topic id |
requiredNamespaces: {
wax: {
methods: [
chains: [
events: []
pairingTopic: '4738621948defd3bf860cd2a235f1d998ed7e136fd3c82f19f3cd6ce7f8abcc8'
If the request is rejected, a 4001 error will be returned.
"message": "User rejected methods.",
"code": 5002
If the request is accepted, a WAX account string is returned.
topic: "6907a4234c1f1cd21e668514997995c614bfe5c5cf7b87b4840e0135b77205aa",
relay: {
protocol: "irn"
expiry: 1692803184,
namespaces: {
wax: {
accounts: [
methods: [
events: []
acknowledged: true,
pairingTopic: "829b57ad756e90851f73880abec4495b1ae76ba25e4f1dd72dfd802d25088b66",
requiredNamespaces: {
wax: {
methods: [
chains: [
events: []
optionalNamespaces: {},
controller: "eb288c78fa542b94163d511d8742ae46ce2809d7512aa58b50965cea95fbe643",
self: {
publicKey: "18a1f6da1dfa6f4147c017d22a62ea86232ed90c3742324ae29cc8270b756373",
metadata: {
description: "React App for WalletConnect",
url: "http://localhost:3000",
icons: [
name: "React App"
peer: {
publicKey: "eb288c78fa542b94163d511d8742ae46ce2809d7512aa58b50965cea95fbe643",
metadata: {
name: "Cloud Wallet",
description: "Cloud Wallet is your all-inclusive custody wallet to access WAX blockchain and other web3 application. Trusted by more than 13 millions of users worldwide.",
url: "https://www.mycloudwallet.com/",
icons: [
- RPC specs
Note: To provide context and information about the requesting DApp, Wallet can retrieve that data from the login session.
name | string | Name of Dapp |
description | string | Description of Dapp |
icons | string[] | Array url of icon |
url | string | Url of Dapp |
chains | string[] | Array of the requested login chainIds |
name: "Atomic Assets", description: "NFT Marketplace on WAX", url: "https://atomicassets.io", icons: [ "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/37784886" ], chains: [ "antelope:1064487b3cd1a897ce03ae5b6a865651" ] } |
Get public keys associated with the account, corresponding to the private keys held by the wallet.
Platforms: Desktop, Mobile
account | string | Account and permission |
public_keys | Array of strings (PublicKey) | Public keys associated with the private keys that the wallet holds |
// Request
// Result
Sign a transaction with the private keys specified via their public keys.
Refer this to implement the sign transaction
(Currently, WCW is only support sign with active permission)
Platforms: Desktop, Mobile
required_keys | Array of strings (PublicKey) | Public keys associated with the private keys needed to sign the transaction |
serialized_transaction | Array of Uint8 | Transaction to sign |
serialized_context_free_data(optional) | Array of Uint8 | Context-free data to sign |
transaction (optional) | Object(Transaction)
{ \ expiration?: string; ref_block_num?: number; ref_block_prefix?: number; max_net_usage_words?: number; max_cpu_usage_ms?: number; delay_sec?: number; context_free_actions?: Action[]; context_free_data?: Uint8Array[]; actions: Action[]; transaction_extensions?: [number, string][]; resource_payer?: ResourcePayer; \ } |
signatures | Array of strings (Signature) | array of signatures required to authorize transaction |
serialized_transaction | Array of Uint8 | Transaction to sign |
serialized_context_free_data(optional) | Array of Uint8 | Context-free data to sign |
// Request
required_keys: [
serialized_transaction: {
transaction: {
delay_sec: 0,
max_cpu_usage_ms: 0,
actions: [
account: "eosio.token",
name: "transfer",
data: {
from: "qs.wam",
to: "ac.wam",
quantity: "0.12300001 WAX",
memo: ""
authorization: [
actor: "qs.wam",
permission: "active"
account: "eosio.token",
name: "transfer",
data: {
from: "qs.wam",
to: "ac.wam",
quantity: "0.00000001 WAX",
memo: ""
authorization: [
actor: "qs.wam",
permission: "active"
// Result
Sign a message with the private keys specified via their public keys.
(Currently, WCW is only support sign with active permission)
Platforms: Desktop, Mobile
message | any[] | Array of message need to sign |
required_keys | Array of strings (PublicKey) | the public key of the corresponding private key to sign the transaction with |
signature | Array of strings (PublicKey) (Signature) |
// Request
message: [
account: "eosio.token",
name: "transfer",
data: {
from: account,
to: "ac.wam",
quantity: "0.12300001 WAX",
memo: "",
authorization: [
actor: account,
permission: "active",
required_keys: [
// Result
Platforms: Desktop, Mobile
Returns the required keys needed to sign a transaction.
transaction | object(Transaction) \
"expiration":"string", "ref_block_num":0, "ref_block_prefix":0, "max_net_usage_words":"string", "max_cpu_usage_ms":"string", "delay_sec":0, "context_free_actions":[
], "actions":[
], "transaction_extensions":[
] } } |
available_keys | Array of strings (PublicKey) |
public_keys | Array of strings (PublicKey) | An array of public key strings associated with the private keys that are required to sign the transaction. |
// Request
// Result
This method expects a transaction in JSON format and will attempt to apply it to the blockchain.
Platforms: Desktop, Mobile
signatures | Array of strings (Signature) | array of signatures required to authorize transaction |
compression | boolean | Compression used, usually false |
packed_context_free_data | string | json to hex |
packed_trx | string | Transaction object json to hex |