(Current build (FHIR Version R4)](https://build.fhir.org/ig/HL7/davinci-deqm/)
Primary Author: Eric Haas
This Implementation Guide was made possible by the thoughtful contributions of the following people and organizations:
The twenty-two founding Da Vinci Project member organizations.
Bryn Rhodes, Bryn Rhodes, Dynamic Content Group Floyd Eisenberg, iParsimony LLC Jocelyn Keegan, Point of Care Partners Linda Michaelsen, Optum Lloyd Mckenzie, Gevity Robert Dieterle, EnableCare Robert Samples, ESAC Viet Nguyen, Stratametrics Yan Heras, Optimum eHealth LLC
GitHub will automatically trigger a new build whenever you commit changes.
(To manually trigger a build, just POST
to the Webhook URL yourself, for example via:
curl -X POST "https://2rxzc1u4ji.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/prod/publish?HL7/deqm"
Note: a build takes 2-3 minutes to complete. Then you can...
The following package file contains an NPM package file "hl7.fhir.davinci.deqm" with all the value sets, profiles, extensions, list of pages and urls in the IG, etc defined as part of the this version of the Implementation Guides. This file should be the first choice whenever generating any implementation artifacts since it contains all of the rules about what makes the profiles valid. Implementers will still need to be familiar with the content of the specification and profiles that apply in order to make a conformant implementation. See the overview on validating FHIR profiles and resource