Technologies: Client:
- AngularJS - industrial standard JavaScript-framework in single-page applications developing.
- Bootstrap - industrial standard CSS-framework responsive web applications developing.
- Operating System: MS Windows
- Platform: MS .NET
- Language: C#
- Database: MS SQL Server
- Web engine: ASP.NET MVC
- Logging: NLog
- Dependency Injection: Simple Injector
- Mapping: AutoMapper
- ORM: Entity Framework
- Unit tests: MS Unit
Design patterns and principles
- MVC pattern is the basement of the ASP.NET MVC technology and the main server-pages are built using it. AngularJS also uses MVC-pattern.
- Singleton pattern is used for Logging purposes
- Factory method pattern is for Entity Framework context creating.
- Dependency Injection pattern implements inversion of control for resolving dependencies. Used it everywhere in the application and in the tests.
- Mock pattern can simulates the behavior of complex, real objects. Used in unit tests.
- Observer pattern helps AngularJS to control states
- State pattern is used for changing pages in client side
Diagrams Source Please use (old for viewing and editing.
The application is built as designed. It has tier-architecture and built on DI-pattern. It allows to test almost whole own code and divide definition and realiztion.
- Operating System: Windows 7, 8, 10, 2012, 2016
- Browser: updated Google Chrome
- RDBMS: MS SQL Server 2014 Express
- RAD: Visual Studio 2019 Community, Professional or Enterprise
- (optional) Integration Testing: SoapUI Open Source (
- Realized only one use case "Booking"
- The project has no client validation
- Price and Payment services are stubs
How to compile:
- Open Airbooking.sln in Visual Studio.
- Right click on topmost node in Solution explorer and click "Restore NuGet Packages". It should download needed packages. If you have no such menu the packages skipp this step.
- Right click on topmost node in Solution explorer and click "Rebuild Solution"
How to start project in Visual Studio:
- Right click on Airbooking.Api project and click "Set as StartUp project".
- Point connection string (DefaultConnection) to your MS SQL Server in Airbooking.Api\Web.Config
- In Project Properties of Airbooking.Api set Web -> Servers: IIS Express and https://localhost:44336/.
- Run the project. (VS shows dialogs about certificates, click "Yes")
- Try to login with any email and password: it creates database automatically. Wait for 2-10 minutes (generating test data). Test data is only for several days from today.
- Register to the system as internal user or Google user.
- Go to https://localhost:44336/#/
- Try to find flight (attention: there are no any validation. you can use [today, today + 5] days intervals. Query "SELECT distinct [DepartureDate] FROM [Airbooking].[dbo].[FlightSchedules]" shows you actual flights dates) and book it. You will receive email with your booking.
- (optional) You can run SoapUI for integration testing. Sources\Airbooking.Api.Tests\IntegrationApiTest-soapui-project.xml. You should change user email/password in AirbookingTest-> "https://localhost:44336/ TestSuite" -> "Booking TestCase" -> "Login".
- I'm using obsolete Automapper methods. Have no time to redevelop.
- Aibooking.API should be called Aibooking.Web
I think that created solution could be good starting point for junior or regular developer to continue development of booking system.