This package binds the yasdi library to a nodeJS package which may be used for other projects. The yasdi library is a open source library provided by SMA, which enables the connection to SMA products. This package was only used for/used with:
- Reading the data of inverters via RS485
- A cheap USB-RS485 converter via a raspberry pi
On windows I only succeeded to compile the bindings but did not try it
Please check the source code before using this package
npm install @woifes/node-yasdi
import { NodeYasdi } from "@woifes/node-yasdi";
const nodeYasdi = new NodeYasdi("myPlant", {
expectedDeviceCount: 3,
//serialPorts: ["path/to/serialDevice"] //on linux you can also use a link as a device like "/dev/serial/by-path/<usbDeviceLink>"
//iniFileDir: "path/to/dir/where/iniFile/may/be/created
}, "path/to/iniFile.ini"); //either provide 'serial ports' and 'iniFileDir' in config, or the ini file directly
await once(nodeYasdi, "deviceSearchEnd"); //the yasdi library can not fetch data before this event
let inverter01 = nodeYasdi.getInverterBySerial(nodeYasdi.handles[0]);
let values = await inverter01.getData(5);
pnpm run createIni 2> my.ini #follow instructions to create a yasdi compatible ini file
pnpm run shell <path/to/my.ini> #run the shell with a given ini file
Here are the instructions how one can build a custom version of the yasdi library into this package (according to LGPL v2.1 with statically linked libraries). (It is assumed that the nodeJS related development is known.)
The following list describes where you find the different parts involved in the build:
- The yasdi source code lies in the bin folder
- The bindings (glue code) also lies in the bin folder
This file was created by investigating the cmakefile delivered with yasdi, some time with trial and error - The build is configured via the bindings.gyp file
- Additionally there is an interface of the bindings for TypeScript defined in src
- in
: changed include from#include <termio.h>
to#include <termios.h>
so that it compiles on alpine linux
For running the build see the following section.
Build yasdi library and bindings:
pnpm run build
TypeScript build:
pnpm run compile
Run tests:
pnpm test