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Tom Kralidis edited this page Apr 5, 2024 · 10 revisions

WIS2 Topic Hierarchy Release Process


The WIS2 Topic Hierarchy is managed in GitHub as a working area upstream of the WMO publication process.

Release version convention

The convention used is LETTER, where LETTER is the alphabetical version of the WIS2 Topic Hierarchy (e.g. a, b, etc.).


The following steps are taken when creating a WIS2 Topic Hierarchy release:

  1. Update release version in main branch
  • Edit standard/index.adoc
    • update the :version: tag/marker
  • Commit to main branch
    • git commit -m 'update release version LETTER' standard/index.adoc
  1. Create release tag
git tag -a LETTER -m 'tagging release LETTER'
git push --tags
  1. Create README.txt

Create the following file in /tmp/README.txt:

This directory contains the following artifacts for the WIS2 Topic Hierarchy (WTH), version a (draft):

- bundle/ CSVs of all topics
- standard: Draft PDF copy of the standard with Abstract Test Suite (ATS)
- Zip file of the above artifacts

The official standard will be published in the Manual on the WMO Information System (WMO-No. 1060), Volume II, Appendix D. 

The official topics will be published at
  1. Create release zip
# build specification document
cd standard
make pdf
cd ..
# build bundle
python3 scripts/
zip -j /tmp/ topic-hierarchy/*.csv
# setup release
mkdir -p release/LETTER
cd release/LETTER
mkdir standard bundle
cd ../..
cp /tmp/ release/LETTER/bundle/
mv /tmp/README.txt release/LETTER
cp standard/wis2-topic-hierarchy.pdf release/LETTER/standard/wis2-topic-hierarchy-LETTER.pdf
cd release
zip -r LETTER
  1. Create a release on GitHub.
  • Go to
  • Click 'Draft a new release'
  • Under 'Tag Version' add the relevant release tag (LETTER)
  • Release title should be LETTER
  • TODO: add release description
  • Click 'Publish release'
  • Send WMO Secretariat a link to the release
  • deploy release on server
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