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2022.09.22 Collaboration meeting

Anna Milan edited this page Sep 23, 2022 · 1 revision

WIS/WIGOS/CDM Metadata Collaboration

22 September 2022

Agenda & Notes

The purpose of this meeting is to establish clarity and usage of the WMO metadata standards in use and in development, with particular attention on the OGC Observations, Measurements and Samples standard that will be released soon.

  • (Jörg) Presenting at TECO on the WIGOS metadata and wants to make sure that we have a common understanding. (Tom) just noting that metadata is a very broad category and can be associated with anything. Jorg presented a unified model that is on the WMDR2 github repo. The new model is based on OMS.
  • (Tom) WCMP2 is for discovery level metadata for datasets based on GeoJSON. WCMP2 has an option to link out to the facility set as described by WMDR which can be a document listing observing stations. It can also link to the raw observations. (Dave) this is consistent with previous thoughts. (Joerg) WMDR also has links to the data. This can be an overlap or it can be to a WIS metadata record. (Dave) what observations does WMDR link out to and are they authoritative?
  • (Tom) what is the OGC SWG timeline for JSON? (Jorg) no timeline, but they are looking at JSON-LD and discussions are starting. XSD is good for validation, but they are heavy. (Tom) JSON has validators, e.g. XMLSpy supports JSON. (Jorg) is there a tool that can translate UML to JSON schema? EA produces GML. (Tom) not aware of any tool for this. (Dave) GeoJSON is based of WCMP2 and will be used for CDM and it would be good if the OMS goes in this direction too. (Tom) This would help with specializations across the different types of metadata in WMO. This could be an opportunity to work with OGC to go end-to-end, from all perspectives, observors, datasets, observations. (Dave) we can prototype a workflow that retrieves objects from the WIS2 box and make them look like OMS.
  • (Jörg) fully support this, not sure if the green boxes are mature enough, but that takes testing.
  • Decision: model some end-to-end metadata workflows/references with some examples.
  • AOB


  • action

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Team Members

Name Present
Jörg Klausen (Switzerland Chair TT-WIGOSMD) X
Tom Kralidis (Canada ET-Metadata Chair) X
Charlotte McBride (TT-CDM)
Peter Thorne (TT-CDM) X
Anna Milan (WMO) X
David Berry (WMO) X
Timo Proescholdt (WMO) X