Releases: wmjordan/Codist
Version 7.9: Better Markdown & C# 12 Support
What's New
- General
- Add control to MessageWindow to suppress reoccurring exceptions
- Fix a crash in SymbolList
- Fix VS startup slowdown caused by Codist
- Don't throw exception if command is unavailable
- Syntax Highlight & Quick Info
- Implement support for new features in C# 12
- Syntax Highlight
- Support more language types in Comment Tagger
- Simplify configuration of semantic punctuations and operators
- Tweak C# tagger to highlight more punctuations and operators
- Fix syntax highlight feature was not properly controlled
- Fix C# tagger not being enabled after syntax highlight feature was toggled on
- Exclude identifier from syntax highlighting due to the VS classification type precedency bug
- Tweak order of type cast keyword in syntax highlight precedency
- Fix symbol source highlight not working as configuration change
- Enhanced highlight for Markdown documents
- Fix broken comment tagger (#328)
- Quick Info
- Fix some IAsyncQuickInfoSource instances not under feature control
- Fix Quick Info displaying above SmartBar, SymbolList when Super Quick Info is disabled
- Fix containing types not properly displayed for nested types
- Fix interface member implementations in base type list not correctly displayed on C# Quick Info
- Fix incorrect Quick Info for qualified C# constructors
- Fix incorrect captured variable info
- Bring back missing error icons in C# Quick Info for VS 17.10
- Auto adjust background color if document editor window background inverts
- Support inner text in
elements in C# XML Documentations (#327)
- Smart Bar
- Fix crash caused by CopySelectionWithoutIndentation when copying text without indentation from SmartBar
- Add buttons to Markdown SmartBar
- Code Analysis
- A new analysis command: parameter assignments (see #325)
- Navigation Bar
- Fix a crash caused by NaviBar
- Add buttons to MarkdownBar
- Refactoring
- Add Make Static refactoring
- Make seal refactoring work on C# records
- Fix incorrect insertion point in SealClassRefactoring and ChangeAccessibilityRefactoring
- Auto Pair Punctuation
- Add an option to trim selection before inserting paired punctuation
- Display
- Add option to hide Copilot button
- Retry if UI layout override fails on initialization
What's new
- General
- Prevented CSharpSymbolContextMenu commands from crashing VS
- Fixed potential crash when getting source from implicit constructor
- Syntax Highlight
- Made Comment Tagger compatible with the new version of VS
- Addressed some weird problems of syntax highlight
- Reenabled C# Syntax Highlight in preview text view
- Fixed potential VS deadlock caused by Comment Tagger
- Reorganized syntax styles
- C# local functions capturing local variables would also be highlighted as capturing expressions
- Super Quick Info
- Fixed a potential crash when advanced Syntax Highlight, NaviBar, etc. features were disabled
- Improved the display of some C# XML Doc
- NaviBar
- Smart Bar
- Added Sort Lines, Join Lines to Smart Bar
- Added Delete Statement, Delete Field and Delete Event refactoring
- Fixed SmartBar would not show up in some cases
Version 7.7: Syntax highlight improvements
NOTE: The configuration file format is incompatible with previous version, some syntax highlight elements are using different names. Please backup your syntax highlight styles before installing the new beta, in case when you want to rollback to previous version.
What's new
- General
- 🐞 Fix upgrade dialog got buried under VS main window (#285)
- ⚙️ Tweak variant palette to include full saturation variance in Color Picker dialog
- ⚙️ Make Hide Search Box option work against the new All-in-One search button
- Syntax Highlight
- 🆕 Add new syntax highlight styles for C# nested types and C# variable captured expressions
- 🆕 Automatically adjust style brightness when switching between bright and dark VS themes (#282)
- 🆕 An indicator icon for customized syntax styles in customization window (#287)
- 🐞 Hide syntax irrelevant entries from the customization window (#287)
- 🐞 Workaround for an issue that breaks semantic highlight on brace and parentheses when punctuation color is specified--by removing the punctuation color specifically
- 🐞 Fix crash in customization window due to extremely small font size (#293)
- ⚙️ Remove highlight after switching off advanced highlight (#282)
- ⚙️ Do not reopen customization window after syntax theme changes
- ⚙️ Tweak precedence of C# sealed member and private member (#292)
- ⚙️ Order "all languages" category in customization window by priority from high to low
- Super Quick Info
- ⚙️ Automatically adjust big icon size in C# Quick Info according to tooltip font size (#276)
- 🐞 Fix some potential crashes
- Smart Bar
- ⚙️ Do not show Smart Bar when working with the mini Find and Replace dialog
- ⚙️ Markdown Smart Bar now by default uses asterisk pairs to mark italic style instead of underscore pairs
- 🐞 Fix wrap text with Ctrl or Shift key down keeps selecting previously wrapped text
Version 7.6: Better Syntax Highlight Configurator; Auto pair punctuations around selections
This new release has made some improvements to the Syntax Highlight Customization window and the syntax highlight component.
A new color picker is introduced for easier color picking. While you click colors on the dialog, the code editor will be automatically refreshed to reflect the color changes. Previously, we won't see the effects until we click the OK button to close the color picker dialog.

See issue #282 for details.
Another notable feature is the Auto Pair Punctuations function. When we select some code, type the opening punctuation, for instance, (
, <
, {
, [
, "
or '
, their counter part will be inserted at the end of the selection.
This feature is by default turned off, you have to manually turn it on in the Options page.

More details about this release can be read in issue #283.
Version 7.5: Better Super Quick Info
Quite a few improvements for Super Quick Info have been added to version 7.5.
The most notable ones are:
- Show ordinary comment in symbol declaration (option default: off)
Now it is possible to view comments for local variables, local functions which are not supported by the XML documentation system.
- New option to delay the display of Quick Info
- Previously the Quick Info can be quite large and placed under the mouse cursor, which sometimes hinders the selection of code. Super Quick info now provides option to limit the size of the Quick Info popup (see screenshot above) so the overflowed content will be scrolled.
- Super Quick Info now changes the behavior of the popup and makes it out of the way of text selection. When the popup is showing up and there's not enough room below the mouse cursor, the popup will appear on top of the mouse cursor.
- Quick Info and symbol tooltips now respect settings in Editor Tooltip in the Fonts and Colors options page.
This update also fixed some terrible bugs which crashed or hung VS previously.
More information about this update can be view at #267
Version 7.4: More Information, More Convenient
Notable changes
- New command in Build Window to open output folders
- The Code Analysis menu now has tooltips unveiling secret shortcuts
- Display syntax node range related to the trigger point of C# Quick Info
- Total line count on scrollbar marker
- Corrected positioning of markers when scrollbar was in bar mode
- Namespace symbols on C# Quick Info are now interactive
- General
- Fixed the display of explicitly implemented indexer names on symbol list
- Fixed incorrect foreground brush in SymbolFormatter properties
- Added Open Output Folder commands to Build menu
- Fixed potential deadlock in SymbolList
- Added a new option to display output window pane after build
- Displayed assembly directory for assembly symbol on symbol tool tip
- Improved performance of Color Quick Info, as well as predefined colors on symbol list
- Prevented Unload event handler from disabling symbol link after clicking on symbol list title
- Added tool tip to symbol analysis menu commands, unveiling hidden command options
- Allowed copying fully-qualified symbol name
- Super Quick Info
- Added a new option to display syntax node range related to the trigger point in C# code editor, so it might help you out of the sea of parentheses
- Addressing an issue working with third party Quick Info extensions
- Fixed incorrect behavior of Super Quick Info
- Improved the display of C# explicitly implemented interface members
- Made namespace symbol on C# Quick Info interactive, displaying namespace and types when clicked
- Added a new option to display syntax node range related to the trigger point in C# code editor, so it might help you out of the sea of parentheses
- Advanced Syntax Highlight
- Code Refactoring
- Fixed incorrect behavior of RemoveContainerRefactoring
- Scrollbar Margins
- Smart Bar
- Fixed
button on C# Smart Bar was not working expectedly with type parameters defined in containing type - Fixed C# Smart Bar was not working in Diff window
- Fixed
- Navigation Bar
- Fixed Go To Definition could sometimes fail in member types on namespace lists
- Extension Development
- Added more data to Show Active Window Properties command
Version 7.3: Faster Syntax Highlight, More Comprehensive C# Quick Info
What's New
- General
- A new icon for Codist (with a Chinese character meaning "Code")
- Displayed C# Property parameter types in symbol tool tips and symbol menu
- Used specific icons for C# explicitly implemented interface members
- Super Quick Info
- Made signature name and value part of C# Quick Info selectable
- Used various icons for compiler error message (#37)
- Tweaked spacing of items (#244)
- Changed label for Containing namespace and assembly option
- Displayed Quick Info for C#
- Fixed broken text-only C# XML Doc Quick Info support
- Improved symbol resolving in C# Quick Info for parentheses
- Added more data flow analysis results for C# blocks
- Added options to show containing type for members and display code names in C# XML Doc with editor font
- Improved support for C# 11
- Improved support for brackets, LINQ, accessor declarations (part of #93)
- Syntax Highlight
- Used default text color if classification foreground color was not defined
- Fixed a bug caused memory leak and performance deterioration
- Fixed that underline and strikethrough style could not be properly removed
- Some syntax highlight styles were not properly rendered
- Improved highlight for indexers, accessor declarations, LINQ range variables
- Enhanced performance for C# tagger
- Refactoring
- Fixed incorrect code produced by ConditionalToIfRefactoring
- Added a CommentToRegionRefactoring
- Fixed MultiLineListRefactoring was not working when expression was also an ArgumentSyntax
- Extension Developer
- Used an information-rich "Show Active Window Properties" dialog to replace the old Show Document ContentType properties dialog
Version 7.2: Great Improvements for Syntax Highlight
What's new
- Syntax Highlight
- Super Quick Info
- Moved
/ref readonly
to return type - Fixed a bug that could potentially freeze VS
- Displayed
tag for properties in C# Quick Info - Fixed C# Quick Info might not be working properly in DIFF windows
- Fixed tuple element was not displayed correctly in C# Quick Info
- Fixed in some cases size limitation or status icon were not working
- Fixed some compiler messages were improperly dropped
- Displayed block info for close brace in C# Quick Info
- Fixed variable declared in foreach statement was not overridden in C# Quick Info
- Prevented an error in C# block Quick Info
- Displayed type info for C# != and == operators
- Changed behavior of C# interface Quick Info for interfaces on base type list, displaying implementations instead of interface members
- Made "this" parameter clickable in dataflow analysis results on C# Quick Info
- Moved
- Smart Bar with Code Refactoring
- Allowed MultiLineListRefactoring for AnonymousObjectCreationExpressionSyntax
- Added DuplicateMethodDeclaration refactoring
- Added WrapInTryFinally refactoring
- Added remove declaration refactoring buttons to C# Smart Bar
- Supported multiple selection in some Smart Bar commands
- Added Remove Method command for local function
- Kept
condition inelse
clause when executing DeleteConditionRefactoring
- Symbol Analyzer
- Displayed C# symbol analysis commands for special return types
- Extension Development
- Added more info to the Document Content Type window
- General
- Added a custom message box to replace built-in message boxes
- Fixed a bug that could crash VS in the code diff window
Version 7.1: More refactoring methods; Syntax highlight bug fixed
What's New
- Quick Info
- Fixed incorrect display XML Doc of C# property accessors
- Displayed C# property value XML Doc (#240)
- Added Shift to suppress Quick Info, if CtrlQuickInfo option was disabled
- Fixed some C# Quick Info was not coordinate with the builtin one
- Fixed incorrect C# Quick Info when hovering an expression keyword as a parameter
- Prevented huge field initializer from freezing VS
- Used editor font for enum values, numeric forms in C# Quick Info
- Supported C# 11 (#203)
- Added link to open corresponding assembly file from the symbol location info
- Fixed overridden struct methods were not using inherited documentations
- Smart Bar
- Displayed directory name instead of file name for the Open Folder command on Output Smart Bar
- Fixed incorrect selection after inserting URL from Markdown Smart Bar
- Moved "edit all matching" command from sub-menu to main Smart Bar
- Added Stage Selected Range and Revert Selected Range commands to DIFF Smart Bar
- Refactoring
- Fixed incorrect indentation of wrap with #region refactoring command
- Added interpolate string refactoring
- Added swap conditional expression results refactoring
- Added support ConditionalToIfRefactoring for VariableDeclarationSyntax
- Added SealClassRefactoring and ChangeAccessibilityRefactoring
- Kept whitespace after last expression in ConcatToInterpolatedStringRefactoring
- Removed unnecessary encompassing parentheses after ConcatToInterpolatedStringRefactoring
- Added WrapInTextRefactoring and InlineVariableRefactoring
- Navigation Bar
- Fixed incorrect positioning of C# NaviBar drop-down menu on VS 2017
- Fixed potential crash caused by namespace nodes on C# NaviBar (#241)
- Prevented huge field initializer from freezing VS
- Changed to use individual icons for explicit and implicit conversion operators
- Code Analysis
- Fixed duplicated entry in some commands when code files were multi-referenced in several projects
- Syntax Highlight
- Fixed syntax highlight was not activated when the first opened document was Markdown, unless a code file was opened
- Added filter box in the highlight style customization window (#243)
- Used editor font when specified font did not exist
- Better supported font variations (#195)
- Fixed syntax highlight settings were not fully applied after upgrading Codist (#227)
- Symbol Tool Tip
- Full path of assembly file was displayed (#230)
- Displayed attribute type documentation for constructors in symbol tool tip
- Extension Developer
- Displayed view roles in the document content type command
Version 7.0: C# Code Refactoring on Smart Bar
Quite a few new stuff is added to this release, especially the code refactorings provided in C# Smart Bar.
Just select some code, and the refactoring button will appear on the Smart Bar if any refactoring is available.
More improvements are listed below.
BTW, the development of Codist is paused, due to the out-breaking of COVID-19 in my country, China.
I hope that mankind will someday win the terrible coronavirus and I will be back to the development again.
What's New
- General
- Syntax Highlight
- Made compatible with VS 17.5 preview
- Added highlight style for private members
- Resource Monitor
- Added option to display network adapter throughput per second
- Added hover to display top CPU usage processes to CPU monitor control
- Added option to customize task manager that launched after clicking monitor controls
- Super Quick Info
- Added implementation or declaration type info in interface list (#222)
- Changed behavior of the symbol signature icon in alternative style to display commands for generic type
- Merged some C# Quick Info options about type inheritance
- Displayed
method forforeach
statement when hovering onin
keyword - Enabled Click & Go for C# label
- Added a new option to display all enum fields on C# Quick Info (#225)
- Fixed symbol signature was not wrapped in C# Quick Info
- Added fallback for a bug in Roslyn which prevented C# Quick Info from applying Click & Go for signature value nodes
- Smart Bar
- Displayed symbol analysis commands for type argument for generic types with arity=1
- Enabled symbol analysis commands for predefined types on C# Smart Bar
- Enabled reorder refactoring for argument type on C# Smart Bar
- Enabled Extract Method refactoring when debugging
- Optimized behavior of Join Lines command
- Added quite a few refactoring methods to C# Smart Bar
- Added a new command to select all occurrences of current symbol in active document
- Added Copy without Indentation mode to the Copy command
For instance, select the following code, which is indented with 4 preceding tabs, then press Ctrl before clicking the copy button.
if (line.Extent.IsEmpty) {
if (line.Extent.IsEmpty) {
- Symbol Analysis Menu
- Changed style of symbol name in symbol analysis menu
- Navigation Bar