传统的对等通信(Wi-Fi 直连、蓝牙)只能支持一对一的通信,无法扩展。 本项目基于Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE),通过扩展实现多跳转发机制,组建Mesh网络,使得设备可以同时和周围多台设备通信。 folk from该项目没有能实现多跳的Mesh网络)
( 1 ). 基于BLE进行设备发现,
( 2 ). 利用BLE连接,设备之间分享所知的其他节点信息,形成Mesh网络,
( 3 ). 利用图最短路径算法,构建路由机制,实现消息在蓝牙设备之间的多跳转发。 利用BLE Mesh构建上层聊天应用,用户不联网,直接通过蓝牙BLE就可以和周边的设备聊天。(包括直连设备和多跳设备)
An BLE based mesh netowork platform for android
folk from BLEMeshChat don't support multi hops well. each device only connect to around every other devices to from a mesh net. which don't support goal directed connection.
This project hope to realize that device can form a multi hops net, and choose specific remote device which is reachable by one hops or multi hops. and then communicate with that device.