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@astrobot-houston astrobot-houston released this 13 Nov 14:33
· 2579 commits to main since this release

Minor Changes

  • #12373 d10f918 Thanks @bholmesdev! - Changes the default behavior for Astro Action form requests to a standard POST submission.

    In Astro 4.x, actions called from an HTML form would trigger a redirect with the result forwarded using cookies. This caused issues for large form errors and return values that exceeded the 4 KB limit of cookie-based storage.

    Astro 5.0 now renders the result of an action as a POST result without any forwarding. This will introduce a "confirm form resubmission?" dialog when a user attempts to refresh the page, though it no longer imposes a 4 KB limit on action return value.

    Customize form submission behavior

    If you prefer to address the "confirm form resubmission?" dialog on refresh, or to preserve action results across sessions, you can now customize action result handling from middleware.

    We recommend using a session storage provider as described in our Netlify Blob example. However, if you prefer the cookie forwarding behavior from 4.X and accept the 4 KB size limit, you can implement the pattern as shown in this sample snippet:

    // src/middleware.ts
    import { defineMiddleware } from 'astro:middleware';
    import { getActionContext } from 'astro:actions';
    export const onRequest = defineMiddleware(async (context, next) => {
      // Skip requests for prerendered pages
      if (context.isPrerendered) return next();
      const { action, setActionResult, serializeActionResult } = getActionContext(context);
      // If an action result was forwarded as a cookie, set the result
      // to be accessible from `Astro.getActionResult()`
      const payload = context.cookies.get('ACTION_PAYLOAD');
      if (payload) {
        const { actionName, actionResult } = payload.json();
        setActionResult(actionName, actionResult);
        return next();
      // If an action was called from an HTML form action,
      // call the action handler and redirect with the result as a cookie.
      if (action?.calledFrom === 'form') {
        const actionResult = await action.handler();
        context.cookies.set('ACTION_PAYLOAD', {
          actionResult: serializeActionResult(actionResult),
        if (actionResult.error) {
          // Redirect back to the previous page on error
          const referer = context.request.headers.get('Referer');
          if (!referer) {
            throw new Error('Internal: Referer unexpectedly missing from Action POST request.');
          return context.redirect(referer);
        // Redirect to the destination page on success
        return context.redirect(context.originPathname);
      return next();

Patch Changes

  • #12339 bdb75a8 Thanks @ematipico! - Adds an error when Astro.rewrite() is used to rewrite an on-demand route with a static route when using the "server" output.

    This is a forbidden rewrite because Astro can't retrieve the emitted static route at runtime. This route is served by the hosting platform, and not Astro itself.