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@astrobot-houston astrobot-houston released this 02 Aug 13:20
· 747 commits to main since this release

Patch Changes

  • #11584 a65ffe3 Thanks @bholmesdev! - Removes async local storage dependency from Astro Actions. This allows Actions to run in Cloudflare and Stackblitz without opt-in flags or other configuration.

    This also introduces a new convention for calling actions from server code. Instead of calling actions directly, you must wrap function calls with the new Astro.callAction() utility.

    callAction() is meant to trigger an action from server code. getActionResult() usage with form submissions remains unchanged.

    import { actions } from 'astro:actions';
    const result = await Astro.callAction(actions.searchPosts, {
      searchTerm: Astro.url.searchParams.get('search'),
    { &&
          /* render the results */


    If you call actions directly from server code, update function calls to use the Astro.callAction() wrapper for pages and context.callAction() for endpoints:

    import { actions } from 'astro:actions';
    - const result = await actions.searchPosts({ searchTerm: 'test' });
    + const result = await Astro.callAction(actions.searchPosts, { searchTerm: 'test' });

    If you deploy with Cloudflare and added the nodejs_compat or nodejs_als flags for Actions, we recommend removing these:

    compatibility_flags = [
    - "nodejs_compat",
    - "nodejs_als"

    You can also remove node:async_hooks from the vite.ssr.external option in your astro.config file:

    // astro.config.mjs
    import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';
    export default defineConfig({
    - vite: {
    -   ssr: {
    -     external: ["node:async_hooks"]
    -   }
    - }