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chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies #420

merged 1 commit into from
Oct 23, 2024


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@renovate renovate bot commented Oct 14, 2024

This PR contains the following updates:

Package Change Age Adoption Passing Confidence
@biomejs/biome (source) 1.9.3 -> 1.9.4 age adoption passing confidence
@biomejs/biome (source) 1.9.3 -> 1.9.4 age adoption passing confidence
@cloudflare/workers-types ^4.20241004.0 -> ^4.20241022.0 age adoption passing confidence
@types/node (source) ^18.19.55 -> ^18.19.59 age adoption passing confidence
@types/node (source) ^20.16.11 -> ^20.16.15 age adoption passing confidence
@vercel/nft ^0.27.4 -> ^0.27.5 age adoption passing confidence
astro (source) ^4.15.12 -> ^4.16.7 age adoption passing confidence
eslint (source) ^9.12.0 -> ^9.13.0 age adoption passing confidence
express (source) ^4.21.0 -> ^4.21.1 age adoption passing confidence
magic-string ^0.30.11 -> ^0.30.12 age adoption passing confidence
miniflare (source) ^3.20240925.1 -> ^3.20241018.0 age adoption passing confidence
send ^0.19.0 -> ^0.19.1 age adoption passing confidence
solid-js (source) ^1.9.2 -> ^1.9.3 age adoption passing confidence
turbo (source) ^2.1.3 -> ^2.2.3 age adoption passing confidence
typescript (source) ^5.6.2 -> ^5.6.3 age adoption passing confidence
typescript-eslint (source) ^8.8.1 -> ^8.11.0 age adoption passing confidence
vite (source) ^5.4.8 -> ^5.4.10 age adoption passing confidence
wrangler (source) ^3.80.1 -> ^3.82.0 age adoption passing confidence

Release Notes

biomejs/biome (@​biomejs/biome)


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Bug fixes
  • The --summary reporter now reports parsing diagnostics too. Contributed by @​ematipico

  • Improved performance of GritQL queries by roughly 25-30%. Contributed by @​arendjr

Bug fixes
  • Fix an issue where the JSON schema marked lint rules options as mandatory. Contributed by @​ematipico
Bug fixes
  • Fix #​4121. Respect line width when printing multiline strings. Contributed by @​ah-yu
JavaScript APIs
New features
Bug Fixes
  • Biome no longer crashes when it encounters a string that contain a multibyte character (#​4181).

    This fixes a regression introduced in Biome 1.9.3
    The regression affected the following linter rules:

    • nursery/useSortedClasses
    • nursery/useTrimStartEnd
    • style/useTemplate
    • suspicious/noMisleadingCharacterClass

    Contributed by @​Conaclos

  • Fix #​4190, where the rule noMissingVarFunction wrongly reported a variable as missing when used inside a var() function that was a newline. Contributed by @​ematipico

  • Fix #​4041. Now the rule useSortedClasses won't be triggered if className is composed only by inlined variables. Contributed by @​ematipico

  • useImportType and useExportType now report useless inline type qualifiers (#​4178).

    The following fix is now proposed:

    - import type { type A, B } from "";
    + import type { A, B } from "";
    - export type { type C, D };
    + export type { C, D };

    Contributed by @​Conaclos

  • useExportType now reports ungrouped export from.

    The following fix is now proposed:

    - export { type A, type B } from "";
    + export type { A, B } from "";

    Contributed by @​Conaclos

  • noVoidTypeReturn now accepts void expressions in return position (#​4173).

    The following code is now accepted:

    function f(): void {
      return void 0;

    Contributed by @​Conaclos

  • noUselessFragments now correctly handles fragments containing HTML escapes (e.g.  ) inside expression escapes { ... } (#​4059).

    The following code is no longer reported:

    function Component() {
      return (
        <div key={index}>{line || <>&nbsp;</>}</div>

    Contributed by @​fireairforce

  • noUnusedFunctionParameters and noUnusedVariables no longer reports a parameter as unused when another parameter has a constructor type with the same parameter name (#​4227).

    In the following code, the name parameter is no longer reported as unused.

    export class Foo {
      bar(name: string, _class: new (name: string) => any) {
        return name

    Contributed by @​Conaclos

  • noUndeclaredDependencies now accepts dependency names with dots. Contributed by @​Conaclos

  • useFilenamingConvention now correctly handles renamed exports (#​4254).

    The rule allows the filename to be named as one of the exports of the module.
    For instance, the file containing the following export can be named Button.

    class Button {}
    export { Button }

    The rule now correctly handles the renaming of an export.
    For example, the file containing the following export can only be named Button.
    Previously the rule expected the file to be named A.

    class A {}
    export { A as Button }

    Contributed by @​Conaclos

  • useConsistentMemberAccessibility now ignore private class members such as #property (#​4276). Contributed by @​Conaclos

  • noUnknownFunction correctly handles calc-size function (#​4212).

    The following code calc-size is no longer reported as unknown:

    .a { height: calc-size(0px); }

    Contributed by @​fireairforce

  • useNamingConvention now allows configuring conventions for readonly index signatures.

Contributed by @​sepruko

  • noDuplicateCustomProperties now correctly handles custom properties and ignores non-custom properties.
    Previously, the rule incorrectly reported duplicates for all properties, including non-custom ones. Contributed by @​togami2864
Bug Fixes
  • The CSS parser now accepts more emoji in identifiers (#​3627).

    Browsers accept more emoji than the standard allows.
    Biome now accepts these additional emojis.

    The following code is now correctly parsed:

    p {
      ---color: red;
      color: var(--✨-color);

    Contributed by @​Conaclos

  • Add support for parsing typescript's resolution-mode in Import Types(#​2115)

    export type Fs = typeof import('fs', { with: { 'resolution-mode': 'import' } });
    export type TypeFromRequire =
      import("pkg", { with: { "resolution-mode": "require" } }).TypeFromRequire;
    export type TypeFromImport =
      import("pkg", { with: { "resolution-mode": "import" } }).TypeFromImport;

    Contributed by @​fireairforce

cloudflare/workerd (@​cloudflare/workers-types)


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vercel/nft (@​vercel/nft)


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Bug Fixes
withastro/astro (astro)


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Patch Changes


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Patch Changes
  • #​11823 a3d30a6 Thanks @​DerTimonius! - fix: improve error message when inferSize is used in local images with the Image component

  • #​12227 8b1a641 Thanks @​florian-lefebvre! - Fixes a case where environment variables would not be refreshed when using astro:env

  • #​12239 2b6daa5 Thanks @​ematipico! - BREAKING CHANGE to the experimental Container API only

    Changes the default page rendering behavior of Astro components in containers, and adds a new option partial: false to render full Astro pages as before.

    Previously, the Container API was rendering all Astro components as if they were full Astro pages containing <!DOCTYPE html> by default. This was not intended, and now by default, all components will render as page partials: only the contents of the components without a page shell.

    To render the component as a full-fledged Astro page, pass a new option called partial: false to renderToString() and renderToResponse():

    import { experimental_AstroContainer as AstroContainer } from 'astro/container';
    import Card from '../src/components/Card.astro';
    const container = AstroContainer.create();
    await container.renderToString(Card); // the string will not contain `<!DOCTYPE html>`
    await container.renderToString(Card, { partial: false }); // the string will contain `<!DOCTYPE html>`


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Patch Changes


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Patch Changes
  • #​12223 79ffa5d Thanks @​ArmandPhilippot! - Fixes a false positive reported by the dev toolbar Audit app where a label was considered missing when associated with a button

    The button element can be used with a label (e.g. to create a switch) and should not be reported as an accessibility issue when used as a child of a label.

  • #​12199 c351352 Thanks @​ematipico! - Fixes a regression in the computation of Astro.currentLocale

  • #​12222 fb55695 Thanks @​ematipico! - Fixes an issue where the edge middleware couldn't correctly compute the client IP address when calling ctx.clientAddress()


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Patch Changes


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Patch Changes


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Patch Changes
  • #​12177 a4ffbfa Thanks @​matthewp! - Ensure we target scripts for execution in the router

    Using document.scripts is unsafe because if the application has a name="scripts" this will shadow the built-in document.scripts. Fix is to use getElementsByTagName to ensure we're only grabbing real scripts.

  • #​12173 2d10de5 Thanks @​ematipico! - Fixes a bug where Astro Actions couldn't redirect to the correct pathname when there was a rewrite involved.


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Minor Changes
  • #​12039 710a1a1 Thanks @​ematipico! - Adds a markdown.shikiConfig.langAlias option that allows aliasing a non-supported code language to a known language. This is useful when the language of your code samples is not a built-in Shiki language, but you want your Markdown source to contain an accurate language while also displaying syntax highlighting.

    The following example configures Shiki to highlight cjs code blocks using the javascript syntax highlighter:

    import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';
    export default defineConfig({
      markdown: {
        shikiConfig: {
          langAlias: {
            cjs: 'javascript',

    Then in your Markdown, you can use the alias as the language for a code block for syntax highlighting:

    'use strict';
    function commonJs() {
      return 'I am a commonjs file';
  • #​11984 3ac2263 Thanks @​chaegumi! - Adds a new build.concurreny configuration option to specify the number of pages to build in parallel

    In most cases, you should not change the default value of 1.

    Use this option only when other attempts to reduce the overall rendering time (e.g. batch or cache long running tasks like fetch calls or data access) are not possible or are insufficient.

    Use this option only if the refactors are not possible. If the number is set too high, the page rendering may slow down due to insufficient memory resources and because JS is single-threaded.

    This feature is stable and is not considered experimental. However, this feature is only intended to address difficult performance issues, and breaking changes may occur in a minor release to keep this option as performant as possible.

    // astro.config.mjs
    import { defineConfig } from 'astro';
    export default defineConfig({
      build: {
        concurrency: 2,
Patch Changes
  • #​12160 c6fd1df Thanks @​louisescher! - Fixes a bug where astro.config.mts and astro.config.cts weren't reloading the dev server upon modifications.

  • #​12130 e96bcae Thanks @​thehansys! - Fixes a bug in the parsing of x-forwarded-\* Request headers, where multiple values assigned to those headers were not correctly parsed.

    Now, headers like x-forwarded-proto: https,http are correctly parsed.

  • #​12147 9db755a Thanks @​ascorbic! - Skips setting statusMessage header for HTTP/2 response

    HTTP/2 doesn't support status message, so setting this was logging a warning.

  • #​12151 bb6d37f Thanks @​ematipico! - Fixes an issue where Astro.currentLocale wasn't incorrectly computed when the defaultLocale belonged to a custom locale path.

  • Updated dependencies [710a1a1]:

eslint/eslint (eslint)


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expressjs/express (express)


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What's Changed

Full Changelog: expressjs/express@4.21.0...4.21.1

rich-harris/magic-string (magic-string)


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Performance Improvements
cloudflare/workers-sdk (miniflare)


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Patch Changes


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Patch Changes


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Patch Changes
pillarjs/send (send)


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solidjs/solid (solid-js)


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vercel/turborepo (turbo)

v2.2.3: Turborepo v2.2.3

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What's Changed


Full Changelog: vercel/turborepo@v2.2.2...v2.2.3


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v2.2.0: Turborepo v2.2.0

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What's Changed


New Contributors


📅 Schedule: Branch creation - "before 4am on Monday" (UTC), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).

🚦 Automerge: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied.

Rebasing: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.

👻 Immortal: This PR will be recreated if closed unmerged. Get config help if that's undesired.

  • If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check this box

This PR was generated by Mend Renovate. View the repository job log.

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changeset-bot bot commented Oct 14, 2024

⚠️ No Changeset found

Latest commit: 5817c6c

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@github-actions github-actions bot added pkg: cloudflare pkg: netlify pkg: node Related to Node adapter (scope) pkg: vercel Related to Vercel adapter (scope) labels Oct 14, 2024
@renovate renovate bot force-pushed the renovate/all-minor-patch branch 10 times, most recently from 5ba2782 to 8a901f5 Compare October 17, 2024 19:06
@renovate renovate bot changed the title fix(deps): update all non-major dependencies chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies Oct 17, 2024
@renovate renovate bot force-pushed the renovate/all-minor-patch branch 10 times, most recently from 6df6482 to 496cf5e Compare October 23, 2024 03:07
@renovate renovate bot force-pushed the renovate/all-minor-patch branch from 496cf5e to 5817c6c Compare October 23, 2024 06:19
@ematipico ematipico merged commit 0c16fee into main Oct 23, 2024
8 checks passed
@renovate renovate bot deleted the renovate/all-minor-patch branch October 23, 2024 06:37
ematipico pushed a commit that referenced this pull request Feb 5, 2025
Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]>
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dependencies pkg: cloudflare pkg: netlify pkg: node Related to Node adapter (scope) pkg: vercel Related to Vercel adapter (scope)
None yet

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1 participant